

  • 作者:[美] 斯蒂芬·罗宾斯(Stephen P.Robbins)
  • 出版社:中国人民大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787300276717
  • 出版日期:2020年01月01日
  • 页数:422
  • 定价:¥65.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Welcome to the Tenth Edition of Fundamentals of Management! Although much has changed
    in the world since FOM was first published over twenty years ago, we haven’t changed our commitment to providing you with the most engaging and up-to-date introduction to management paperback on the market. And how do we do this? By covering the essential concepts of management; providing a sound foundation for understanding the key issues; offering a strong, practical focus, including the latest research on what works for managers and what doesn’t; and doing these with a writing style that you and your students will find interesting and straightforward.
    This edition continues our exciting design. We love the way it looks and the way management concepts are presented! And we hope you do, too! It’s a self-contained learning package.In addition to the end-of-chapter summaries and review questions, you can choose from the chapter self-assessments, skills modules, hands-on manager’s inbox exercises, and case applications. In addition, the text is supported by the most comprehensive Web site and supplement package, although your students will find the essential elements they need to understand and apply management concepts within the text itself. You have the choice about how best to use the materials: text only, online only, or text and online. It’s your decision!

    What Key Changes Have We Made in the Tenth Edition?
    You might think that there wouldn’t be much new information to put in a book...especially a Tenth Edition! But that’s the great thing about a book that discusses managers and management! It’s always easy to find new material just by paying attention to what’s happening in the news! New issues and ideas are always confronting managers and we’ve made sure to cover hot topics such as holacracy, the sharing economy, gamification, data analytics/big data, BYOD (bring your own device), and wearable technology, to name a few. In addition to new topics, we’ve done some other BIG things!

    book-Specific videos
    Today’s students have “grown up” in a visual-based learning environment. They’re comfortable with and enjoy video clips, and even expect them as part of their learning. That’s why we created a series of videos for this tenth edition.
    Our Bust This Myth videos reinforce and expand upon the chapter-opening Management
    Myth and Debunking the Myth. We debuted the “Myth” openers in the previous edition and have had positive feedback from them. This was…and is…a unique feature among management texts and was created as an answer to one of the most vexing problems that instructors face: unmotivated students who think there is nothing for them to learn in this course. Now, we’ve taken it a step further by creating fun videos that highlight the myths and why they are just that…a myth…and then explaining why.

    Sustainability emphasized
    Sustainability is an important topic and it’s critical for our students…our future business leaders…to be familiar with it. So we added an icon to help you and your students recognize how pervasive sustainability is. Throughout the book, you’ll find this sustainability iconused wherever chapter discussion, a photo example, or an end-of-chapter exercise covers an aspect of sustainability. You yourself may be surprised at how much sustainability permeates what we’re teaching in management.

    Continued and improved Features
    The exciting and innovative chapter openers―a common Management Myth and how this
    myth is just that…a myth―have been updated and we’ve replaced a few. We’ve found
    that students often think that they already know a lot about management…after all, it’s just common sense, right? But management isn’t just common sense! When it comes to
    managing, much of what passes for common sense is just plain wrong…a myth! So we
    kept and improved these chapter openers! We think you’ll like the student discussion these “myths” and “debunking” generate! And be sure to use the Bust This Myth videos in class or outside of class.
    We also kept the three (yes, you read that right, THREE!) Case Applications, many of
    which are new or updated. These Case Applications are a great way to tell a current story about managers, management, and organizations and to involve students in assessing a situation and answering questions about “how” and “why” and “what would you do.” These Case Applications cover the gamut from Google and Target to Zara and Keurig.
    Also, we retained our complete, self-contained section on developing management skills
    in each chapter and tried to make them more practical. It’s one thing to know something. It’s another to be able to use that knowledge. The skill-building exercises included at the end of
    each chapter help you apply and use management concepts. We chose these 18 skills (some
    chapters have more than one) because of their relevance to developing management competence and their linkage to one or more of the topic areas in this book.
    Finally, we kept our one section in each chapter that has a contemporary and visually
    appealing look. The design of this selected material helps reinforce key topics and ideas and makes it easy for students to read and to know what’s important from that particular chapter section. Also, because today’s students are accustomed to visually rich environments, we’ve kept additional visual presentations of material throughout the chapters to help engage students with the material.
    In addition to all these major changes, here is a chapter-by-chapter list of the topic additions and changes in the Tenth Edition:

    Instructor Resources
    At the Instructor Resource Center, www.pearsonhighered.com/irc, instructors can easily register to gain access to a variety of instructor resources available with this text in downloadable format. If assistance is needed, our dedicated technical support team is ready to help with the media supplements that accompany this text. Visit http://247.pearsoned.com for answers to frequently asked questions and toll-free user support phone numbers.
    The following supplements are available with this text:
    ?Instructor’s Resource Manual
    ?Test Bank
    ?TestGen? Computerized Test Bank
    ?PowerPoint Presentation

    AACSb learning Standards tags in the test item File
    Questions that test skills relevant to AACSB standards are tagged with the appropriate standard. For example, a question testing the moral issues associated with externalities would receive the ethical understanding and reasoning abilities tag from the AACSB categories. In addition,the tagged questions may help to identify potential applications of these skills.

    Writing and publishing a textbook requires the talents of a number of people whose names never appear on the cover. We’d like to recognize and thank a phenomenal team of talented people who provided their skills and abilities in making this book a reality. This team includes Kris Ellis-Levy, our senior acquisitions editor; Sarah Holle, our program manager; Kelly Warsak, our project manager; Lenny Ann Kucenski, our senior marketing manager; Stephanie Wall, our editor in chief; Nancy Moudry, our highly talented and gifted photo researcher; Lauren Cook, our talented digital media whiz who co-created the “Bust The Myth” videos, and Allison Campbell, Associate Managing Editor, Integra-Chicago.
    We also want to thank our reviewers―past and present―for the insights they have provided us.

    thank you!
    Steve, Dave, and I would like to thank you for considering and choosing our book for your management course. All of us have several years of teaching under our belt, and we know how challenging yet rewarding it can be. Our goal is to provide you with the best resources available to help you excel in the classroom!
    第Ⅰ篇 导 论
    第1章 管理者与管理
    历史模块 管理的历史溯源
    第2章 管理环境
    第3章 综合管理问题
    第Ⅱ篇 计 划
    第4章 决策的基础
    第5章 计划的基础
    第Ⅲ篇 组 织
    第6章 组织结构与设计
    第7章 人力资源管理
    职业模块 建立你的职业生涯
    第8章 变革与创新的管理
    第Ⅳ篇 领 导
    第9章 了解群体和管理工作团队
    第10章 激励和奖励员工
    第11章 领导与信任
    第12章 沟通与信息的管理
    第Ⅴ篇 控 制
    第13章 控制的基础
    第14章 运营管理
    创业模块 管理创业型企业



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