Annual Report on Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicle in China(2018)

Annual Report on Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicle in China(2018)

  • 作者:中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司(China Automotive Technology and Res
  • 出版社:人民邮电出版社
  • ISBN:9787115507471
  • 出版日期:2019年01月01日
  • 页数:329
  • 定价:¥158.00
  • 分享领佣金




    This report, consisting of 6 chapters and 13 topics, discusses the development of domestic energy-saving and new energy vehicles in detail from the following aspects: industrial environment, fuel consumption, product trends, technology application, power consumption evaluation and foreign development.
    The industrial environment chapter provides a high-level overview of the overall development of the energy-saving and new energy vehicles industry from the perspectives of energy environment, poli

    Ⅰ Industrial Environment Part

    Special Topic 1 Energy Situations and Vehicle Energy
    Consumption Measurement02
    1.1 Global Vehicle Energy Development Strategies 02
    1.1.1 China’s Energy Situations and Vehicle Energy Strategy 02
    1.1.2 Energy Situation and Vehicle Energy Development Strategies of EU, US, and Japan05

    1.2 Measuring Vehicle Energy Consumption in China10
    1.2.1 Measuring Model of Total Vehicle Energy Consumption10
    1.2.2 Vehicle in Operation Structure 11
    1.2.3 Driving Distances of Vehicles 12
    1.2.4 China Driving Range by Ages 14
    1.2.5 Average Fuel Consumption Based on Vehicle Types 15
    1.2.6 Vehicle Survival Rate Analysis 15
    1.2.7 2017 Vehicle Energy Measurement Analysis 16

    Special Topic 2 Overall Development of Energy-saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry19
    2.1 Overall Development of the Energy-saving Vehicle Industry19
    2.1.1 Policy Environment 19
    2.1.2 China’s Current Energy-saving Vehicle Development 22

    2.2 Overall Development of the New Energy Vehicle Industry30
    2.2.1 Policy Environment of New Energy Vehicles 30
    2.2.2 Market Environment of New Energy Vehicles 32
    2.2.3 Supporting Environment for NEV Infrastructure 35

    Special Topic 3 Development Trend of the Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Cars40
    3.1 The Fleet-wide Average FC41
    3.1.1 The Development Trend of the Fleet-wide Average FC 41
    3.1.2 Analysis of Fleet-wide Compliance Pressure in 2020

    3.2 Fuel Consumption of Different Model Types43
    3.2.1 FC Variation of Different Vehicle Types43
    3.2.2 FC Variation of Different Origins44

    3.3 CAFC and Compliance Performance of Enterprises46
    3.3.1 Analysis of Quantity and Production (Including Import Volume) of Qualified Enterprises46
    3.3.2 Analysis of Enterprises with Excellent Compliance Performance48
    3.3.3 Analysis on Compliance Performance of Top 10 Enterprises by Production/Import Volume51

    3.4 The Impact of New Energy Passenger Cars on the Calculation of Fuel Consumption53
    3.4.1 Fleet-wide FC Before and After the Inclusion of New Energy Passenger Cars into Calculation53
    3.4.2 CAFC of Typical Enterprises Before and After the Inclusion of New Energy Passenger Cars into Calculation54

    Special Topic 4 Fuel Consumption of Commercial Vehicles58
    4.1 Classification of Commercial Vehicles59
    4.2 Fuel Consumption of Light Commercial Vehicles60
    4.2.1 Fuel Consumption of Different Vehicle Types60
    4.2.2 Comparison between Fuel Consumption and Limit Value65

    4.3 Fuel Consumption of Heavy Commercial Vehicles68
    4.3.1 Fuel Consumption of Different Vehicle Types68
    4.3.2 Comparison between Fuel Consumption and Limit Value73

    Special Topic 5 Development Trend of Related Properties of Passenger Cars on Energy Conservation82
    5.1 Curb Weight82
    5.2 Footprint Area88
    5.3 Driving Type91
    5.4 Average Displacement96
    5.5 Average Power102
    5.6 Average Torque108
    5.7 Power/Curb Weight113
    5.8 Power/Displacement118

    Special Topic 6 Variation Trend of NEV Products Properties124
    6.1 Variation Trend of NEV Products Properties 124
    6.1.1 E-range124
    6.1.2 Battery Capacity126
    6.1.3 E-Range/Battery Capacity128
    6.1.4 Power Consumption/ton·(100 km)-1129

    6.2 Variation Trend of Development Characteristics of New Energy Commercial Vehicles131
    6.2.1 Bus131
    6.2.2 Special Vehicle136

    Special Topic 7 Promotion and Application of Energy-saving Technology of Passenger Cars 140
    7.1 Turbocharging Technology140
    7.2 GDI Technology144
    7.3 Three-cylinder Engine146
    7.3.1 Development of Three-cylinder Engine Technology 147
    7.3.2 Overview of Enterprises and Models Utilizing the Three-cylinder Engine Technology150

    7.4 Miller Cycle Technology152
    7.4.1 Development of Miller Cycle Technology153
    7.4.2 Overview of Enterprises and Models Utilizing Miller Cycle Technology155
    7.4.3 Introduction of Key Miller Cycle Engines158

    7.5 Advanced Transmission Technology160
    7.5.1 Development of Advanced Transmission Technology 160
    7.5.2 Overview of Enterprises and Models Using 9AT, CVT and DCT164

    7.6 Idling Stop-start Technology168
    7.7 Hybrid Power Technology172
    7.7.1 Development of Hybrid Power Technology172
    7.7.2 Overview of Enterprises and Models Using the Hybrid Power Technology175

    Special Topic 8 Technological Supporting Trend of Key Parts and Components of NEVs 178
    8.1 Power Battery179
    8.1.1 Current Situation of Supporting Power Battery Industry179
    8.1.2 Current Situation of Power Battery Technology Development180
    8.1.3 Development Opportunities and Challenges of Power Battery Industry182

    8.2 Drive Motor183
    8.2.1 Overview of Supporting Drive Motor Market183
    8.2.2 Current Situation of Drive Motor Technology186
    8.2.3 Trend of Drive Motor Technology187

    8.3 Electronic Control System188
    8.3.1 Overview of Supporting Electronic Control System Industry188
    8.3.2 Development Trend of Electronic Control Technology 191

    Special Topic 9 Special Study on Hot Technologies192
    9.1 Alternative Fuel Technology192
    9.1.1 Natural Gas Vehicle Technology193
    9.1.2 Methanol Automobile Technology203
    9.1.3 Ethanol Fuel Technology208
    9.1.4 Biodiesel Fuel Technology214
    9.1.5 Dimethyl Ether Fuel Technology217
    9.1.6 Butanol-fueled Vehicle Technology219
    9.1.7 PODE and ABE Fuel Technology220

    9.2 Power Battery Technology222
    9.2.1 Technology Background222
    9.2.2 Requirements for Future Power Battery Systems223
    9.2.3 Low Height Battery Pack227
    9.2.4 Conclusion232

    Special Topic 10 Evaluation of Energy-saving Competitiveness of Passenger Cars
    10.1 Purpose and Significance of Energy-saving Competitiveness Evaluation234
    10.2 Building the Evaluation System of Energy-saving Competitiveness of Passenger Cars235
    10.2.1 Data Index System of Factor Analysis235
    10.2.2 Introduction on the Evaluation Method of Energy-saving Competitiveness236

    10.3 Evaluation and Rank of Energy-saving Competitiveness239
    10.3.1 Evaluation and Rank of Energy-saving Competitiveness of Sedans239
    10.3.2 Evaluation and Rank of Energy-saving Competitiveness of SUVs241
    10.3.3 Evaluation and Rank of Energy-saving Competitiveness of MPVs243

    Special Topic 11 Evaluation of the Gap between the Real-world Fuel Consumption and the Certified Fuel Consumption of Passenger Cars245
    11.1 Background of Fuel Consumption Gap Evaluation in China246
    11.1.1 Certified Fuel Consumption246
    11.1.2 Real-world Fuel Consumption247
    11.1.3 Purpose and Significance of Fuel Consumption Gap Evaluation248

    11.2 Introduction on Study Method and Data Basis 249
    11.2.1 Study Method249
    11.2.2 Data Source and Sample Information250

    11.3 FC Gap Analysis251
    11.3.1 Overall Fuel Consumption Gap251
    11.3.2 Regional Fuel Consumption Gap252
    11.3.3 Technical Fuel Consumption Gap253
    11.3.4 Brand Fuel Consumption Gap257

    11.4 Evaluation Conclusions of the Gap between the Real-world Fuel Consumption and the Certified Fuel Consumption261
    11.4.1 Summary of Fuel Consumption Gap Evaluation261
    11.4.2 Analysis of Reasons behind FC Gap262
    11.4.3 Recommendations of Vehicle Energy-saving Management Policies263

    Special Topic 12 Research on Fuel Vehicle Sales Ban in Foreign Countries270
    12.1 Overview of Foreign Plan to Ban the Sale of Conventional Vehicles270
    12.2 Analysis of Current Situation of Automobile Industry Development in Typical Countries
    12.2.1 Development Status of German Automobile Industry and Development Environment of New Energy Vehicles273
    12.2.2 Development Status of British Automobile Industry and Development Environment of New Energy Vehicles274
    12.2.3 Development Status of French Automobile Industry and Development Environment of New Energy Vehicles274
    12.2.4 Analysis of Carbon Emission Reduction Plans in Typical Countries275

    Special Topic 13 The Fuel Consumption Management Strategy and Regulatory Plan for EU Heavy-duty Vehicles279
    13.1 EU Policy System for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in 2020279
    13.2 Management Process of EU Heavy-duty Vehicle CO2 Emission281
    13.3 Compilation of CO2 Emission Regulation for EU Heavy-duty Vehicles285



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