在西方,提起西藏言必称“世界屋脊”,虔诚的喇嘛和充满异域情调的宗教场景,带着狡黠而又神秘的微笑的“神王”达赖喇嘛以及政治口号“自由西藏”,等等。卢森堡学者阿尔伯特?艾廷格(Albert Ettinger)这部近期藏学研究成果,为读者展示了“西藏神话”背后另一番历史图景,还原了西藏的本来面目。
Yet it is also possible that the phrase “hell on earth” comes to mind. Both the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government often used the term in relation to Tibet. Yet they both meant something completely different. For the Dalai Lama, the new Chinese Tibet that he left behind in 1959 is “hell” and a “large prison,” particularly because he believes that the Chinese oppress Tibetan Buddhism that he considers the core of Tibetan identity. However, from a Chinese perspective, it is the escaped god-king himself and the former Tibetan elite that stand for a “hell on earth”, namely for the old, traditional Tibet that was a deeply inhumane, dreadful, tyrannical, and corrupt feudal society.