Deepen BRICS Partnership for a Brighter Future
Opportunities and Challenges for BRICS Countries·
The International Environment and Policy Outlook for BRICS Countries
BRICS and the Changing International System
The Role and Place of BRICS in the Context of Globalization
Are the BRICS Nations Ready for a New Era?
Difficulties and Path of BRICS Countries' Structural Reform
Dynamics from BRICS Countries·
A Perspective on BRICS Development Strategies: Prospects and Issues
Brazil's Participation in BRICS Cooperation Mechanism: Strategic Consideration and Analysis of Result
Brazil in the BRICS After Davos 2017: Coordiating Development Strategies in A New Epoch
Balance of Power and International Trade: The Perception of the Brazilian Public Opinion about China and BRICS
Coordinating BRICS Strategies: A Russian Point of View and Suggestions
South Africa Beware the BRIC Bearing BRICS, as the Soothsayer Hath Warned Caesar "Beware the Ides of March!"
Seeking Sino-India Development Coordination Under the Belt and Road
The Development and Future of BRICS Countries·
BRICS: Towards Multi-polarity and Global Governance
The BRICKS: An Attractive and Compelling Alternative to Global Governance
Policy Suggestions on the Co-ordination of BRICS Strategies
Soft Power, Intercultural Communication and Intercivilizational Dialogue as Main Strategies of
Development of International Cooperation
A New Type of South-South Cooperation and BRICS New Development Bank
Appendix The Coordination of BRICS Development Strategies: Way to Common Prosperity——Sum of 2017 BRICS Think-Tanks Forum and International Conference