Nature of Science: Eyes on Earth
Chapter1 The Atmosphere
1 The Air Around You
2 integrating Environmental Science: Air Quality.
3 Air Pressure
4 Layers of the Atmosphere
Chapter2 Weather Factors
1 Energy in the Atmosphere
2 integrating Physics: Heat Transfer
3 Winds
4 Water in the Atmosphere
5 Precipitation
Chapter3 Weather Patterns
1 Air Masses and Fronts
2 Storms
3 integrating Health: Floods
4 Predicting the Weather
Chapter4 Cllmate and Cllmate Change
1 What Causes Climate?
2 Climate Regions
3 Long-Term Changes in Climate
4 integrating Environmental Science:
Global Changes in the Atmosphere
Interdlsclpllnary Exploratlon:Antarctlca
Reference Sectlon
Skills Handbook
Think Like a Scientist
Making Measurements
Conducting a Scientific Investigation
Thinking Critically
Organizing Information
Creating Data Tables and Graphs
Appendix A: Laboratory Safety