This accelerated ageing process is even more dramatic in Asia. In the last halfcentury, Asia's total population almost tripled, rising from 1.4 billion to 3.7 billion.Those aged 65 and over, however, grew by almost four times, from 57 million to 217million. The future will see even greater ageing. While the total Asian populationmay grow from 3.7 billion to 6.4 billion from 2000 to 2050, those aged 65 and overmay grow from 217 million to 907 million, or an increase of more than four times.Moreover, the number of really old people in Asia, those aged 80 and over, has grownfrom about 4 million in 1950 to 29 million in 2000, and will grow to over 225 millionby 2050.
Population ageing has a great impact on the society and economy. It bringsabout a shrinking of the workforce, an increasing social security burden, and a majorchange in family structure and medical problems. As women represent the largernumber and proportion of older people in almost all societies, the issue also hasimportant gender implications. On the other hand, the positive aspect of ageing is thatthe elders have more time to contribute to the society with their rich experience of lifeand work.
UNFPA" has been actively involved in ageing issues for many years. It hasworked with many countries to formulate appropriate public policies and promotepolicy dialogues to respond to the challenges posed by the social, health and economicconsequences of population ageing. It has also assisted many countries to meet theneeds of older persons, with particular emphasis on the poor and especially women.
The UNFPA Policy Guidelines on Ageing provide measures, which caneffectively respond to the needs, expectations and rights of older persons. Theyinclude the following:
Focus on the older poor, withdevelopment and poverty-reduction strategies;
Examine the economic, social and cultural implications of population anddemographic changes, and how they relate to development concerns; 随着我国研究生教育的发展和高等院校国际化水平的提高,国际间学术交流活动日益增多,研究生的英语综合应用能力和学术交流技巧直接影响到了跨文化交流的效果。传统的研究生英语教材多以阅读为主,忽视语言综合技能的训练,特别是缺乏实用性的内容,导致语言学习的针对性不强,学与用不能结合。鉴于这种情况,在需求分析的基础上,结合教学实际和研究生的培养目标,我们编写了这本((国际学术交流英语》,力求以新的教材编写理念向学生提供规范、实用的英语语言和文化知识,培养学生跨文化交际的意识和从事国际学术交流活动的能力。本书以研究生为主要读者,本科生在高年级可作为选修课教材使用。