Managing Diverse Cultures in Mergers
A corporate merger involves not only the merging of products, markets andother corporations between firms, but also a merging of cultures. It has beenfound that within 5 years, many mergers found serious deterioration in theperformance of the acquired companies, and almost one third of all acquiredcompanies are sold off and 90% of mergers fail to produce anticipated results.One of the major causes of these failures is cultural clash which may lead to abreakdown in communications, strong resistance to change, lack ofcommitment, and a destructive "us versus them" attitude. Cultural clash refersto the uncertainty, anxiety, fear, and tension which accompany the forcedunion of two dissimilar cultures.
There are four important dimensions upon which many cultures vary. Theyinclude social relationships, values and attitudes, education, and religion.Different culture has different interpretation of each item. That is to saycultural differences are responsible for cultural clash.Social Relationships
People in different societies organize their social relationships and activitiesin a manner that is consistent with their society's values, religions andeconomies. One example of how important this is occurred when a U.S. firmfound that a manager it hired to operate a plant in Taiwan had continuallydeterred his decision making to a subordinate. Apparently, the subordinate hadoutranked the manager during his military career and the U.S. managers hadfailed to take this social relationship into account. Multinational corporationscan minimize such mistakes by closely observing and organizing knowledgeabout the norms and forms of social organizations relevant to their internationaloperations. Also, managers need to assess the extent to which outside valuesand organizational forms can be successfully introduced into the host culture.Values and Attitudes
The values and attitudes of the people in a foreign culture ar
…… 《新编商务英语情读学练考(4)》是《新编商务英语精读(4)(学生用书)》的同步自学辅导练习用书。该书与《新编商务英语精读(4)(学生用书)》的内容紧密相连,并对《新编商务英语精读》课文结构、语法、商务英语专业词汇、习惯用语、商务运作的特点及主要功能进行了详细阐述。本书旨在帮助学生巩固和扩展商务知识,提高商务运作能力。