Over 200,000 people have been grounded in good database design practice by reading Database
Systems.The new edition of this best-seller brings it up to date with the latest developments in data-base technology and builds on the clear, accessible approach that has contributed to the success of previous editions.
A clear introduction to design, implementation and management issues, as well as an extensive treat-ment of database languages and standards, make this book an indispensable complete reference for database students and professionals alike.
Complex subjects are clearly explained using running case studies throughout the book.
Database design methodology is explicitly divided into three phases: conceptual, logical, and
physical. Each phase is described with an example of how it works in practice.
SQL is comprehensively covered in three tutorial-style chapters.
Distributed, object-oriented, and object-relational DBMSs are fully discussed.
Check out the Web site at www.booksites.net/connbegg, for full implementations of the case
studies, lab guides for Access and Oracle, and additional student support.
New! For the fourth edition
Extended treatment of XML, OLAP and data mining.
Coverage of updated standards including SQL:2003, W3C (XPath andXQuery), and OMG
Now covers Oracle9i and Microsoft Office Access 2003.