Mechanical Engineering Materials(机械工程材料)

Mechanical Engineering Materials(机械工程材料)

  • 作者:陈朝霞 何柏林
  • 出版社:西南交通大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787564347826
  • 出版日期:2016年07月01日
  • 页数:319
  • 定价:¥45.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Chapter 1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Concepts and sorts of materials and what the function and status of
    the material are in society revolution 2
    1.2 Conteat and Relation of materials science and engineering 5
    1.3 Development of materials 7
    1.4 Materials and mechanical engineering 10
    Chapter 2 The Mechanical Properties Of Metals 13
    2.1 Introduction 13
    2.2 Static mechanical properties 14
    2.3 Hardness tests 22
    2.4 Impact toughness 27
    2.5 Fracture toughness 30
    2.6 Fatigue tests 32
    2.7 Test at elevated tempearatures 34
    2.8 Variability of material properties 35
    Chapter3 Crystal Structure and Crystallizing 37
    3.1 Crystal structure of metals 37
    3.2 Actual structure of metals 47
    3.3 Crystallization of metal 53
    3.4 Structure of steel ingot 59
    Chapter4 Plastic Deformation and Recrystallization of Metal 62
    4.1 Plastic deformation of metal 62
    4.2 Effects of plastic deformation on structure and property of metal 67
    4.3 The change of structure and property of deformed metal during heating 70
    4.4 Hot working of metal 75
    4.5 Superplasticity 76
    Chapter5 Binary Alloy 78
    5.1 Definitions and basic concepts 78
    5.2 Phase structure of alloy 80
    5.3 Binary alloy diagram 83
    Chapter 6 Iron Carbon Alloys 99
    6.1 Phase structure and properties of iron carbon alloys 99
    6.2 Iron carbon equilibrium diagram 101
    6.3 Plain carbon steels 115
    Chapter 7 Heat Treatment of Steel 120
    7.1 Introduction 120
    7.2 Formation of austenite during heating 122
    7.3 Decomposition of austenite during cooling 129
    7.4 Annealing of steel 140
    7.5 Normalising of steel 144
    7.6 Hardening of steel 146
    7.7 Tempering of steel 159
    7.8 The surface quenching of steel 165
    7.9 The chemical heat treatment of the steel 170
    Chapter 8 Alloy Steels 177
    8.1 Effects of alloying elements in steel 177
    8.2 Mechanisms of strengthening in metals 183
    8.3 Categories and code of alloy steels 186
    8.4 Structural alloy steels 186
    8.5 Tool steels 195
    8.6 Steels for special use 202
    Chapter 9 Cast Iron 207
    9.1 Introduction 207
    9.2 Graphitisation of cast iron 207
    9.3 Classify of cast iron 209
    9.4 Grey cast iron 211
    9.5 Malleable cast iron 214
    9.6 Spheroidal cast iron 218
    9.7 Vermicular cast iron 223
    9.8 Alloy cast iron 224
    Chapter10 Nonferrous Metals and Their Alloys 228
    10.1 Aluminum and its alloys 229
    10.2 Copper and its alloys 237
    10.3 Magnesium and its alloys 241
    10.4 Titanium and their alloys 243
    10.5 Bearing alloys 247
    Chapter 11 Polymer 250
    11.1 Introduction 250
    11.2 Classification of polymers 251
    11.3 Structural characteristics of polymers 255
    11.4 Properties of polymers and plastics 266
    11.5 Additives for plastic materials and compounding 277
    11.6 Polymer processes 279
    11.7 Properties and utilities of selected polymers 283
    Chapter 12 Advanced Materials 285
    12.1 Introduction 285
    12.2 Information functional materials 285
    12.3 Composite materials 286
    12.4 Smart materials 292
    12.5 Nanomaterials 294
    12.6 Biomaterial 300
    12.7 Porous materials 301
    Chapter 13 Material Selecting for Parts 304
    13.1 Failure of mechanical parts 304
    13.2 General principles for selecting suitable materials 310
    13.3 Selecting suitable material for typical parts and working process 311
    References 316



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