Play the CD of Text A again. Ask the students to catch more details and improve their noteswhile listening. Then have the students retell the speech in their own words with the help oftheir notes.Play the CD of Text A again paragraph by paragraph, ask the students to interpret during thepauses with the help of their notes. Choose some students as representatives to do it in class.When the students have finished, give the reference notes and target text.
Thank you for that kind introduction, Mr. Chairman. I'm very pleased to be able to talkto you today about changes in the four sales areas and how your company can benefit fromthese changes. If you have any questions during my talk, please stop me and ask.
The main thing I want to say is that all companies must be ready for continuous change,and prepared to meet those changes.
If you look at the screen, you can see the changes in our sales composition over the lastten years. The left side shows the four major sales areas: industrial machinery, robots,computers and, at the bottom home appliances. As you can see on the graph, the percentageof sales in two areas, namely, industrial machinery and home appliances, has decreasedsince 2003.
For example, if you look on the right, you can see industrial machinery sales havedecreased from 39 to 29 percent and home appliances have declined from 42 to 28 percent.On the other hand, sales of robots and computers have increased. The rise in robot sales hasbeen especially sharp. Here is 2003:4 percent; 2004:9 percent; 2005:16 percent.
目前,对我国的高职高专英语教育而言,全面推进素质教育是改革的根本任务,而在素质教育实施过程中,构建符合素质教育要求的新的教育课程体系,已成为素质教育实施的核心。其中,如何适应课程改革发展的需要,建立既符合素质教育要求,又能促进学生成长、教师发展、学校教学质量提高的教育评估体系,已成为课程改革中的一项重要任务。特别是在加入WTO 以后,中国高职高专教育体制的国际化已不可避免。在这样的背景下,我们在原有教学经验的基础上,主动与国际接轨,积极引进了英国**职业资格证书体系(NVQ)中科学的教学指导思想和先进、实用的育人理念,在教学中切实实行以学生为**的教学方法,重在过程的教学评估,强调核心技能的素质教育实践,*终编写了这本教材。