

  • 作者:周国强
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • ISBN:9787119036304
  • 出版日期:2011年04月01日
  • 页数:283
  • 定价:¥52.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Unit 1 How to be a Good English Learner 如何学好英语
    Section A:Warm-up listening 听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements 单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to passages 篇章听力理解
    (A)Successful language learning 如何学好语言
    (B)Women'S language 女性语言
    (C)Gender differences in language 语言使用中的性别差异
    (D)The dictionary 关于词典
    Section D:Summary writing 听力综述

    Unit 2 School and Education 学校和教育
    Section A:Warm-up listening 听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements 单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to passages 篇章听力理解
    (A)Teaching children through modeling 通过示范教育儿童
    (B)Adult education 成人教育
    (c)About single-sex eduction 关于女子学校
    (D)Music and art eduction 艺术教育
    Section D:Summary writing 听力综述

    Unit 3 Jobs and Professions 工作和职业
    Section A:Warm-up listening 听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements 单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to passages 篇章听力理解
    (A)Telecommuting 远程工作
    (B)Work relations at the place of work 工作场所人际关系
    (C)In an American office 在美国的办公室里
    (D)SOHO:small offices,home offices SOHO 一族:小型办公,家里办公
    Section D:Summary writing 听力综述

    Unit 4 Travels and Holidays 旅行和度假
    Section A:Warm-up listening 听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements 单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to short passages 篇章听力理解
    (A)Traveling experience 旅途经历
    (B)Dangers in traveling 旅行的种种危险
    (C)The effect of jet lag 时差效应
    (D)British tourism 英国的旅游业
    Section D:Summary writing 听力综述

    Unit 5 Business and Business People 企业和企业家
    Section A:Warm-up listening 听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements 单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to short passages 篇章听力理解
    (A)Marks&Spencer 玛莎百货连锁
    (B)How shopping malls are designed 如何布置“销品茂”
    (C)Shopping over the Internet 网上购物
    (D)The first Consumer Internet Barometer **因特网销货指数
    Section D:Summary writing 听力综述

    Unit 6 Health Problems 健康问题
    Section A:Warm-up listening 听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements 单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to passages 篇章听力理解
    (A)When is being overweight a health problem? 体重超重多少才影响健康?
    (B)Feeding babies 给婴儿吃什么
    (C)Natural foods 天然食品
    (D)How to keep fit 如何保持健康
    Section D:Summary writing 听力综述

    Unit 7 Harmony with Nature 与自然和谐相处
    Section A:Warm-up listening 听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements 单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to passages 篇章听力理解
    (A)Acid rain 酸雨
    (B)Solutions to stop the environmental catastrophe 防止环境灾难对策种种
    (C)The Great Life 伟大的生命
    (D)Modern life is full of nasty noises 现代生活充满噪声
    Section D:Summary writing 听力综述
    Section D:Summary Writing听力综述

    Unit 8 Computer and Internet计算机和因特网
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section c:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)Intemet addiction网瘾
    (B)Group therapy群体脱瘾法
    (C)Online shopping在线购物
    (D)Is video-game addiction a mental disorder?网络游戏成瘾是否算精神疾患?
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 9 Fighting Against Disease向疾病宣战
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section c:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)Improving access to AIDS drugs改善爱滋病**的供给
    (B)“Sharing Miracles”“分享奇迹”
    (C)First aid急救方法种种
    (D)Cigarette smoking and disease抽烟与疾病
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 10 Global Economy and Finance全球经济和金融
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)The recovery of U.S.economy美国经济复苏
    (B)Unemployment benefits失业者福利
    (C)Company performance公司业绩
    (D)Business update*新财经新闻
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 11 Dealing with World Poverty and Starvation
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section C:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)Starvation in southern Africa南部非洲在忍受饥饿
    (B)Global poverty全球性贫困
    (c)Homelessness in the
    United States美国的无家一族
    (D)The Hunger Project饱肚工程
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 12 Space Exploration太空探索
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section c:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)Discovery of the Martian water发现火星水
    (B)Scientific measurements科学测量
    (C)I have a place in history我会留名青史
    (D)China’S first lunar orbiter中国的首枚绕月卫星
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 13 Urbanization城市化
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section c:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)The process of urbanization城市化进程
    (B)Urbanization as a social problem成为社会问题的城市化
    (D)Skyscrapers and environment摩天高楼与环境
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 14 Crime and Punishment罪与罚
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section c:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)Main categories of crime犯罪的主要类别
    (B)Kidnapping in Colombia发生在哥伦比亚的绑架案
    (D)How to stay safe in a city城里防身种种
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 15 Advertising and Media广告与媒体
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身¨
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section c:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)Advertising is part of our daily lives日常生活中广告无处不在
    (B)The Today program“**”节目
    (D)What makes a good news story?好新闻之要素
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述

    Unit 16 People and Population人和人口问题
    Section A:Warm-up listening听力热身
    Section B:Listening to short statements单句听力理解
    Section c:Listening to passages篇章听力理解
    (A)American people美国人
    (B)Modem society and people’S natural relations现代社会中的亲情
    (C)Talking to great people采访名人
    (D)Visiting the centenarians访问百岁老人
    Section D:Summary writing听力综述
    Sample Test One模拟试题(一)
    Sample Test Two模拟试题(二)
    Answer Key参考答案



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外