1.1 mathematical optimization
1.2 least-squares and linear programming
1.3 convex optimization
1.4 nonlinear optimization
1.5 outline
1.6 notation
convex sets
2.1 affine and convex sets
2.2 some important examples
2.3 operations that preserve convexity
2.4 generalized inequalities preface introduction 1.1 mathematical optimization 1.2 least-squares and linear programming 1.3 convex optimization 1.4 nonlinear optimization 1.5 outline 1.6 notation bibliography theory convex sets 2.1 affine and convex sets 2.2 some important examples 2.3 operations that preserve convexity 2.4 generalized inequalities 2.5 separating and supporting hyperplanes 2.6 dual cones and generalized inequalities bibliography exercises convex functions 3.1 basic properties and examples 3.2 operations that preserve convexity 3.3 the conjugate function 3.4 quasiconvex functions 3.5 log-concave and log-convex functions 3.6 convexity with respect to generalized inequalities . bibliography exercises ……