狐狸叹了口气,接着说: “我的生活非常单调。我捉母鸡,人们猎杀我。所有的母鸡都一样,所有的人也都一样,这让我有些厌烦。但是,如果你驯养了我,我的生活就会充满阳光。我能分辨你与众不同的脚步声。别人的脚步声,会使我藏起来,而你的脚步声则会像音乐一样将我从洞里呼唤出来。 还有,你看,看到那边的麦田了吗?我不吃面包,因此麦子对我来说毫无用处,麦田对我来说也没有任何意义。但你有一头宛如麦浪的金色头发,如果你驯养了我,麦田对我来说也就意义非凡了,金色的麦子会让我想起你,我甚至也会爱上麦田沐浴在风中所发出的沙沙的声音……” 狐狸停了下来,久久地凝望着小王子。
“拜托你了……请驯养我吧!” "Nothing is perfect," sighed the fox.
But the fox continued his thought:
"My life is monotonous. I hunt for chickens, the hunters hunt me. All the chickens look similar, and all the people look alike. I am bored a little. But if you tame me, my life will be filled with sunlight. I would recognize the sound of a footstep different from all the rest. The other footsteps would make me go back to my foxhole. Yours will call me out of the hole, like music. And then look! You see, there, you see the fields of corn? I don't eat bread. The corn is useless to me. The cornfield reminds me of nothing. And it is sad! But your hair is the color of gold. So how wonderful it will be if you have tamed me! The corn, which is golden, will make me think of you. And I shall even start to like the sound of wind passing through the cornfields..."
The fox fell silent and looked at the little prince for a long time.
"Please... Tame me!" he said.