

  • 作者:李进 王碧侠 王苗
  • 出版社:冶金工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787502461522
  • 出版日期:2013年02月01日
  • 页数:167
  • 定价:¥26.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材:冶金工程专业英语》共分16个单元,按矿石处理、火法冶金、湿法冶金、电冶金、金属成型的工艺顺序编写,内容包括冶金原理、工艺及设备等诸多方面。每单元分为三部分,SectionA的文章用于课堂教学,文后附有生词表、难句解析等;SectionB的文章作为学生课后阅读材料,其内容与本单元的主题相关,并附有思考题;SectionC作为附课,主要向学生介绍科技英语知识,包括科技英语的语法特点、专业词汇的构成、英文摘要的写作、图表的写作以及英语科技论文的结构等内容。 冶金工程专业英语_李进,王碧侠,王苗_冶金工业出版社_
    Sintering is used for agglomeration of oxide and sulphide concentrates. The main difference isthat in sintering sulphide ores updraughting (air blowing) rather than downdraughting (air beingsucked through the bed) is used after ignition so that sulphur dioxide can be collected more easilyand reprocessed to elemental sulphur or sulphuric acid. Sintering sulphide ores also provides aroasting operation in which the metal sulphides are converted to oxides.NodulisingOre fines, coal dust and moisture are again thoroughly mixed and fed into a rotating drum at an elevated temperature-similar to that used for sintering. The rotating action and high temperature resultin the formation of nodules in the same way that snowballs are produced by rolling snow flakes.However, due to the poor control over temperature, the lower melting point constituents of the concentrate tend to fuse resulting in irregularly shaped nodules of low permeability. For this reasonnodulising is normally only used for agglomerating metallic fines produced from smelting, polishingand machining operations in the production of secondary precious metals where low melting pointgangue constituents are not present.
    PelletizingOre fines of less than about 0.20 mm are unsuitable for sintering due to the danger of complete fusion of such a small particle. These ore fines are thoroughly mixed with 10% water to improve permeability and a binder such a bentonite, lime, salts or organic material, and fed into an inclined rotating drum or disc. A nucleus of a number of fines is produced due to the rotating action, the particles being bonded together by the binder and water moving into the crevices between the particlesdue to capillary attraction. On further rotation, each nucleus grows forming a pellet by collectingmore fines in a similar "snowballing action" described for nodulising. A slight pressure is also required but this is usually produced by the weight of the particles on each other. The final pellet sizeis controlled by the residence time in the drum which in turn is controlled by the rate of rotation ofthe drum or disc, the length or diameter of the drum or disc, the angle of inclination and any pressure applied. There is an optimum size of pellet for reduction in a blast furnace resulting from thebest compromise between high permeability ( large pellets) and high surface area ( small pellets)which in turn is dependent on the blast furnace practice and composition of the concentrate. Ironoxide pellets are generally controlled between 10mm to 25mm in diameter.
    Unit1 Metal Extraction Processes Introduction
    Section A Text
    Section B Reading
    Section C 附课1——科技英语的语法特点(一)
    Unit2 Physical Separation Process and Ore Preparation
    Section A Text
    Section B Reading
    Section C 附谭2——科技英语的语法特点(二)
    Unit3 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅰ) : Roasting
    Section A Text
    Section B Reading
    Section C附课3——科技英语的构语法
    Unit4 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅱ) : Smelting and Halide Metallurgy
    Section A Text
    Section B Reading
    Section C附课4——化学物质的英文名称
    Unit5 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅲ) : Reduction
    Section A Text
    Section B Reading
    Section C附课5——常见数学表达式及物理学单位的英语读法
    Unit6 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅳ) : Refining and Continuous Extraction Processes
    Section A Text
    Section B Reading
    Section C 附课6——科技英语的模式与翻译(一)
    Unit 7 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅴ) : Selected Metals Making Procedures (1)
    Unit 8 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅵ) : Selected Metals Making Procedures (2)
    Unit 9 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅶ) : Ironmaking
    Unit 10 Pyrometallurgical Extraction Processes (Ⅷ) : Steelmaking
    Unit 11 Hydrometallurgy (Ⅰ)
    Unit 12 Hydrometallurgy (Ⅱ) : Leaching
    Unit 13 Hydrometallurgy (Ⅲ) : Treatment of Leach Solutions Purification and Concentration



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外