PART 1 Unit 1 Introduction to IELTS Test1 I Introduction to IELTS Test1 II Introduction to IELTS Reading9 III Introduction to IELTS Writing12 IV Introduction to IELTS Speaking Unit 2 Forever Young20 I Reading Task20 II IELTS Writing Task 129 III IELTS Speaking Task 137 IV Introduction to World Universities41 Unit 3 Why Do Some People Never Get Depressed?43 I Reading Task43 II IELTS Writing Task 252 III IELTS Speaking Task 257 IV Introduction to World Universities62 Unit 4 Why Do We Always Sell the Next Generation Short?64 I Reading Task 64 II IELTS Writing Task 373 III IELTS Speaking Task 378 IV Introduction to World Universities83 PART2 Unit 5 Introduction to TOEFL Test84 I Introduction to TOEFL Test84 ……