1. General enqu/r/es ―般询齒/ 2
2. Spec/f/c enqu/r/es具体洵盘/ 5
3. Mak/ng an quotat/on报盘报价/ 8
4. No quotat/on无法报盘/ 11
5. Counter-offer还盘还价/ 14
6. Conf/rm/ng order确认订货/ 17
7. Draft/ng the agreement拟定协/义/ 20
8. S/gn/ng the contract签订合同/ 23
9. Check/ng the contract检查合同/ 26
10. Type of payment付款方式/ 29
11. Comm/ss/on佣金/ 32
12. Check/ng the qual/ty of products牛鏟货物质量/ 35
13. Check/ng the quant/ty of products核对货物数 量/38
14. Conf/rm/ng del/very t/me确定发货时间/ 41
15. Choos/ng pack/ng mode选择包装方式/ 44
16. The charges of pack/ng包装费用147
17. Pack/ng mater/als包装材料/ 50
18. /mprov/ng package改进包装/ 53
19. Formal/t/es at the customs海关手续/ 56
20. /nspect/ons at the customs海关检查/ 59
21. D/scuss/ng about sh/pment谈论装货/ 62
22. Transsh/pment转船/ 65
23. Unload/ng port卸货港/ 68
24. The k/nds of /nsurance保险种类/ 71