英语翻译与导游英语(英汉互译 口译笔译)

英语翻译与导游英语(英汉互译 口译笔译)

  • 作者:贾柱立
  • 出版社:天津大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787561843505
  • 出版日期:2012年05月01日
  • 页数:253
  • 定价:¥33.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《**系列·21世纪高职高专精品规划教材:英语翻译与导游英语(英汉互译·口译笔译)》根据高职高专商务英语教学的特点,理论上坚持“实用为主,够用为度”的教学原则,突破传统的英语教材编写框架,在实践上以技能为**,以实际工作任务为主线。本书每单元Lesson A的教学内容在商务英语等专业经过了近10年的教学实践,在不断完善的基础上编写而成。在工作过程教学法的基础上开辟了“职业化课堂”教学模式,这种模式强调课程体系的职业性和职业能力的培养。以学生职业能力培养为目标,将理论与实践、课堂教学与职业岗位结合起来,注重培养学生的基本能力。 英语翻译与导游英语-(英汉互译 口译笔译)_贾柱立_天津大学出版社_
    Unit 1 翻译基础理论/欢迎词Basic Theory of Translation/Welcoming Speech
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——翻译基础理论Basic Theory of Translation
    A 1.1 翻译概述Translation Overview
    A 1.2 翻译的基本过程和步骤The Basic Steps and Process of Translation
    A 1.3 译者基本素质的培养The Cultivation of Translator's Basic Qualities
    A 1.4 复习题Exercises
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——欢迎词Welcoming Speech
    B 1.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 1.2 欢迎词Welcoming Speech
    B 1.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 1.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 1.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 2 词义的选择和引申/导游开场白要求Diction and Extension/Basic
    Requirements for a Tour Guide's Introduction
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——词义的选择和引申Diction and Extension
    A 2.1 词义的选择Diction
    A 2.2 词义的引申Extension
    A 2.3 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 2.4 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——导游开场白要求Basic Requirements for a Tour Guide's Introduction
    B 2.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 2.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 2.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 2.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 2.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 3 词类转译法/住宿登记Conversion of Words/Checking-in Service
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——词类转译法Convetion of Words
    A 3.1 词类转换(一)Conversion of Words(Ⅰ)
    A 3.2 词类转换(二)Conversion of Words(Ⅱ)
    A 3.3 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 3.4 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——住宿登记Checking-in Service
    B 3.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 3.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 3.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 3.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 3.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 4 重复法/做一名合格的导游Repetition/To Be a Qualified Tour Guide
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation S kills——重复法Repetition
    A 4.1 重复是为了明确Repeat It for Being Clear
    A 4.2 重复是为了强调和生动Repeat It for Being Emphasized and Vivid
    A 4.3 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 4.4 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——做一名合格的导游To Be a Qualified Tour Guide
    B 4.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 4.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 4.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 4.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 4.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 5 增词法/接团、带团Amplification/Meeting the Tour Group and Serving the Tour Group
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——增词法Amplification
    A 5.1 增词法(一)Amplification(I)
    A 5.2 增词法(二)Amplification(II)
    A 5.3 增词法(三)Amplification(m)
    A 5.4 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 5.5 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——接团、带团Meeting the Tour Group and Serving the Tour Group
    B 5.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 5.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 5.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 5.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 5.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 6 省略法/享受**餐Omission/Enjoying the First Meal
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——省略法Omission
    A 6.1 省略法(一)Omission(I)
    A 6.2 省略法(二)Omission(II)
    A 6.3 省略法(三)Omission(Ⅲ)
    A 6.4 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 6.5 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——享受**餐Enjoying the First Meal
    B 6.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 6.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 6.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 6.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 6.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 7 正反、反正表达法/讲解技能Affirmation and Negation/Interpretation Skills
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills t反、反正表达法Affirmation and Negation
    A 7.1 正反译法Put the Positive into the Negative
    A 7.2 反正译法Put the Negative into the Positive
    A 7.3 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 7.4 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——讲解技能Interpretation Skills
    B 7.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 7.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 7.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 7.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 7.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 8 分句法与合句法/景区服务Division and Combination/Services in the Scenic Spot
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——分句法与合句法Division and Combination
    A 8.1 分句法Division
    A 8.2 合句法Combination
    A 8.3 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 8.4 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——景区服务Services in the Scenic Spot
    B 8.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 8.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 8.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 8.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 8.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 9 直译与意译/问题处理Literal Translation and Translation by Idea/Dealing with Problems
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——直译与意译Literal Translation and Translation by Idea
    A 9.1 直译Literal Translation
    A 9.2 意译Translation by Idea
    A 9.3 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 9.4 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——问题处理Dealing with Problems
    B 9.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 9.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 9.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 9.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 9.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
    Unit 10 被动语态的译法/退房、送团Translation of Passive Voice/Checkout and Seeing off the Tour Group
    Lesson A 翻译技巧Translation Skills——被动语态的译法Translation of Passive Voice
    A 10.1 译成主动句(一)Put into the Active Voice(I)
    A 10.2 译成主动句(二)Put into the Active Voice(II)
    A 10.3 译成被动句(一)Put into the Passive Voice(I)
    A 10.4 译成被动句(二)Put into the Passive Voice(n)
    A 10.5 综合体验Comprehensive Experience
    A 10.6 翻译实践Translation Practice
    Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——退房、送团Checkout and Seeing off the Tour Group
    B 10.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
    B 10.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
    B 10.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Translation
    B 10.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Signs and Short Notices
    B 10.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外