1.愤怒 Anger
2.道歉 Apology
3.欣赏 Appreciation
4.求援 Ask for help
5.执著 Attachment
6.开端 Beginning
7.自己总是对的 Being Right
8.沉闷 Boredom
9.选择爱 Choosing Love
10.承诺 Commitment
11.抱怨 Complaint
12.宽恕 Forgiveness
13.善变 Fickleness
14.付诸实现 Fulfillment
15.往昔赐与的礼物 Gifts from the Past
16.在痛苦中给予 Giving through the Pain
17.满心期望 Great Expectations
18.怨怼 Grievances
19.习惯与模式 Habits And Patterns
20.疗愈危机 Healing Crisis
21.理想主义 Idealism
22.独立自主 Independence
23.嫉妒 Jealousy
24.结合 J