西尔斯当代大学物理(英文版 原书12版)(上下册)

西尔斯当代大学物理(英文版 原书12版)(上下册)

  • 作者:(美)休D.杨 (美)罗杰A.弗里德曼
  • 出版社:机械工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787111326755
  • 出版日期:2011年06月01日
  • 页数:1551
  • 定价:¥169.00
  • 分享领佣金




    The development of physical theory requires creativity at every stage.The physicist has to learn to ask appropriate questions,design experiments to try to answer the questions,and draw appropriate conclusions from the results.Fig-ure 1~shows two famous experimental facilities. Legend has it that Galileo Galilei(1564-1642)dropped fight and heavy objects from the top ofthe Leaning Tower ofPisa(Fig.1.1a)to find out whether meir rates of fall were the same or different.Galileo recognized that only experi.mental investigation could answer this question.From examining the results of his experiments(which were actually much more sophisticated than in the leg.end),he made the inductive leap to the principle,or theory,that the acceleration of a falling body is independent of its weight.
    The development of physical theories such as Galileo’s is alwaysa two.way process that starts and ends with observations or expedmen~.This development often takes an indirect path,with blind alleys,wrong guesses,and the discarding of unsuccessful theories in favor of more promising Ones.-Physics is not simply a collection of facts and princil;}les;it is also the process by which we arrive at gen.eral principles that describe how the physical universe behaves. No theory is ever regarded as the final or ultimate truth.The possibility always”exists that new observations will require that a theory be revised or discarded.It isin t11e nature of physical theory that we can disprove a theory by finding behaviormat 1s inconsistent wlth 1t,but we can never prove that a theory is always correct. Getting back to Galileo,suppose we drop a feather and a cannonball.Thevcertainly do not faU at the same rate.This does not mean that Galileo was wrong;lt means that his theory was incomplete.If we drop the feather and the cannon.ball in a Vacuum to eliminate the effects ofthe air,then they do fall at the samerate.Galileo’s theory has a range of validity:It applies only to objects for whichthe force exerted by the air(due to air resistance and buoyancy)is much 1ess thanthe weight.Objects like feathers or parachutes are clearly outside this range. Every physical theory has a range of validity outside of which it is not appli,cable.Often a new development in physics extends a principle’s range of valid-ity.Galileo’s analysis of falling bodies was greatly extended half a century laterby Newton’s laws of motion and law of gravitation.
    1 Units,Physical Quantities,and Vectors
    2 Motion Along a Straight Line
    3 Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
    4 Newton,s Laws of Motion
    3 Applying Newton's Laws
    6 Work and Kinetic Energy
    7 Potential Energyand Energy Conservation
    8 Momentum,Impulse,and Collisions
    9 Rotation of Rigid Bodies
    10 Dynamics of Rotational Motion
    11 Equilibrium and Elasticity
    12 Gravitation
    13 Periodic Motion
    14 F1uid Mechanics Waves/Acoustics
    15 Mechanical Waves
    16 Sound and HearingThermodynamics
    17 Temperature and Heat
    18 Thermal Properties of Matter
    19 The First Law of Thermodynamics
    20 The Second Law of ThermodynamicsElectromagnetism
    21 Electric Charge and Electric Field
    22 Gauss S Law
    23 Electric Potential
    24 Capacitance and Dielectrics
    25 Current.Resistance,and Electromotive Force
    26 Direct.Current Circuits
    27 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces
    28 Sources of Magnetic Field
    29 Electromagnetic Induction
    30 Inductance
    31 Alternating Current
    32 Electromagnetic WaveOptics
    33 The Nature and Propagation of Light
    34 Geometric Opticsand Optical Instruments
    35 Interference
    36 DiffractionModern Physics
    37 Relativity
    38 Photons,Electrons,and Atoms
    39 The wave Nature of Particles
    40 Quantum Mechanics
    41 Atomic Structure
    42 Molecules and Condensed Matter
    43 Nuclear Physics
    44 Particle Physics and CosmologyAPPENDICES
    A The International System of Units A-
    B Useful Mathematical Relations A-
    C The Greek Alphabet A-
    D Periodic Table of Elements A-
    E Unit Conversion Factors A-
    F Numerical Constants A-
    Answers to 0dd-Numbered Problems A-



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