2. Now he wants to go.
A.about halfasfast as he did B.the speedof sound
C.the speed of light
3.He will ride in a——.
A. rocket ship B. Navy jet engine C. five wheeled hot rod
4.He burned the brakes out in the car and went through a。——.
A. fence B. canal C.telephone pole
5.His wife Marilyn and the crew live with the project.——.
A. every other week B.almost every day C. 24 hours a day
1.Years ago,Craig Breediove drove SO fast that——.
A.he ruined the car he was driving B.he set new speed records
C.he got a speeding ticket
2. In order to go even faster.what does he need?
A.He needs more gas. B.He has to use special brakes.
C.He has to have ajet engine.
3. Why does his new car have five wheels?
A. In case one tire went flat,he could replace it.
B.The extra wheel helps to keep the car balanced.
C. The sixthwheel fell off.
4. What happened to him the last time he raced?
A.He could not stop his car in time.
B.His car stopped exactly where he wanted it to.
C. His car would not stop. 我们听语言的过程是一个通过耳朵接收声音信号,进而反馈回大脑进行分析整理的过程。我们都足天生的听音高手。我们必须做倾听的高手,因为我们都能够运用自己的母语流利和有效地进行口头交流。既然我们能学好母语,那么,我们也完全有能力将英语的听说技能掌握好。