List of statutes
List of statutory instruments
List of conventions
List of abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Aims of this book
1.2 How to use this book
1.3 How to research the status of treaties and conventions
1.4 Introduction to international trade law
Chapter 2 The International Sale Contract
2.1 Introduction to sale of goods
2.2 International sale of goods and international trade terms overview
2.3 International trade terms: ex works
2.4 International trade terms: delivered duty paid
2.5 International trade terms: cost, insurarice and freight
2.6 International trade terms: free on board
2.7 Standard term contracts and common contractual clauses
2.8 Consequences of breach of contractual obligations
2.9 Remedies of the buyer
2.10 Remedies of 'the'seller
2.11 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980
2.12 Revision and further reading
Chapter 3 Payment Methods in International Trade
3.1 General
3.2 Bills of exchange in detail
3.3 Collection arrangements
3.4 Documentary credits
3.5 Standby credits and guarantees
3.6 Forfaiting and factoring
3.7 Revision and further reading
Chapter 4 Contracts of Affreightment
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Carriage of goods by sea
4.3 Aspects of carriage of goods by air and land
4.4 Revision and further reading
Chapter 5 Marine Cargo Insurance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Making the insurance contract
5.3 Kinds of insurance cover
5.4 The insurance claim
5.5 Revision and further reading
Chapter 6 International Dispute Resolution
6.1 General
6.2 Jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments
6.3 Arbitration as a form of alternative dispute resolution
6.4 Applicable law
6.5 Dispute resolution checklist
6.6 Revision and further reading
Chapter 7 The Bigger Picture
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Case study 1 Steel Girders
7.3 Case study 2 Didgeridoos
Chapter 8 A Guide to Further Reading
8.1 Textbooks and Cases and Materials Books in International Trade Law
8.2 Practitioner guides
8.3 Statute books
8.4 Journals and newsletters
8.5 Online sources
A) Incoterms 2000 Overview
B) GAFTA 100
C) GAFTA 119
D) Invoice V5
E) Add.Copy Doc.Coll.with Bill of Exchange
F) Bills of Exchange
G) Foreign Bill and/or Documents for Collection
H) Sample Letter of Credit Application Form
I) Letter of Credit Presentation Form
J) Export Cargo Shipping Instructions
K) Standard Shipping Note for non-dangerous goods only
L) Dangerous Goods Note
M) House Air Waybill
N) Shipper's Letter of Instructions for issuing Air Waybill
O) Certificate of Insurance-Lloyd's
P) GENCON Voyage Charter Party as revised in 1994
Q) GENTIME Time Charter Party
R) BARECON 2001 Standard Bareboat Charter
S) CONGENBILL Bill of Lading, 1994 Edition
T) CONLINEBILL 2000 Liner Bill of Lading as revised in November 2000
U) LINEWAYBILL Non-negotiable Liner Sea Waybill
V) COMBICONBILL Negotiable Transport Bill of Lading, as revised in 1995
W) COMBICONWAYBILL Combined Transport Sea Waybill, issued in 1995
X) MULTIDOC 95 Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading, issued in 1995
Y) MULTIWAYBILL 95 Multimodal Transport Waybill, issued in 1995
Z) CONLINEBOOKING 2000 (BIMCO Liner Booking note) and
AA) VOYLAYRULES 93 (Voyage Charterparty Laytime Interpretation Rules 1993)
**章 导言
第二章 国际买卖合同
**节 货物买卖概述
第二节 国际货物买卖与国际贸易术语概览
第三节 国际贸易术语:工厂交货
第四节 完税交货
第五节 国际贸易术语:成本,保险和运费
第六节 国际贸易术语:船上交货
第七节 标准合同与常用合同条款
第八节 违约后果
第九节 买方享有的救济
第十节 卖方享有的救济
第十一节 联合国国际货物买卖合同公约
第十二节 复习与延伸阅读
第三章 国际贸易支付
**节 概述
第二节 汇票
第三节 托收安排
第五节 备用证和保函
第六节 福费廷与保理
第七节 复习与延伸阅读
第四章 运输合同
**节 简介
第二节 海上货物运输(一)
第三节 海上货物运输(二)
第四节 航空和公路货物运输
第五节 复习与延伸阅读
第五章 海上货物保险
**节 概述
第二节 签订保险合同
第三节 保险险别的种类
第四节 保险索赔
第五节 复习与延伸阅读
第六章 国际争端解决
**节 概述
第二节 法院管辖权与判决
第三节 作为替代性争端解决方式的仲裁
第四节 准据法
第五节 争端解决问题备忘录
第六节 复习与延伸阅读
第七章 更全面地分析问题
**节 概述
第二节 案例分析1:钢梁买卖
第三节 案例分析2:澳大利亚土著乐器买卖