

  • 作者:司建国 杨新义
  • 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
  • ISBN:9787560080390
  • 出版日期:2009年08月01日
  • 页数:241
  • 定价:¥16.90
  • 猜你也喜欢





    《职业英语交际手册》是本系列教材基础篇主干教程《职业综合英语》的配套口语专项训练教材,旨在培养学生的职场英语交际能力。全书共30个单元,每个单元涉及一个行业或话题,以对话形式生动地反映该行业典型的社交和职业场景。 Unit 1
    Are you Mr. Johnson from New York?
    Unit 2
    What kind of room do you prefer?
    Unit 3
    May I have your order now?
    Unit 4
    Welcome to WaI-Mart!
    Unit 5
    I've got to mail some urgent documents
    Unit 6
    I have to ta
    Unit 1
    Are you Mr. Johnson from New York?
    Unit 2
    What kind of room do you prefer?
    Unit 3
    May I have your order now?
    Unit 4
    Welcome to WaI-Mart!
    Unit 5
    I've got to mail some urgent documents
    Unit 6
    I have to take a make-up exam in computer class
    Unit 7
    You can't have your cake and eat it too
    Unit 8
    Now we have so many electronic journal titles
    Unit 9
    My first self-driving tour is so screwed up!
    Unit 10
    It isn't rush hour
    Unit 11
    Can I have a window seat?
    Unit 12
    I'd like to book a booth
    Unit 13
    I'd like to propose a toast to your health
    Unit 14
    Can I leave you a message?
    Unit 15
    Packages are "silent salespeople".
    Unit 16
    Do you have an E-mail address?
    Unit 17
    My laptop has a virus
    Unit 18
    What's WAP?
    Unit 19
    Are you looking for a new car?
    Unit 20
    Will it be expensive to build up a gene bank?
    Unit 21
    Are you an art lover?
    Unit 22
    You are going to be discharged the day after tomorrow
    Unit 23
    What type of motor are you looking for?
    Unit 24
    What is the area of these two suites respectively?
    Unit 25
    I've come here for an interview
    Unit 26
    What sort of account do you have in mind?
    Unit 27
    Freeze! Police!
    Unit 28
    He performed a hat trick!
    Unit 29
    A new Steven Spielberg movie is out
    Unit 30
    Would you be interested in buying insurance? Updater(escape("/AjaxControls/ProductComentList"), "dProductCommentList",null,{ name:"prd", value:'603225' });
    常见问题: 我要提问 小时图书排行 2011高考作文追分素材精华本(创新卷)
    全国名校作文教学联席会 策划 陪你到世界终结 夏茗悠元气打造,萌动青春
    夏茗悠 你的眼睛欺骗你 *经典的视幻觉游戏
    [英]艾尔·塞克尔 4.心理控制术:改变自我意象,改变你的人生(成功改变3000万人生活的心理自助原创科学) 5.林徽因经典作品 6.尾巴 7.人性的弱点 8.逻辑思维游戏(“思维游戏魔法书”系列丛书) 9.���田里的守望者(精装本) 10.小王子 ++
    本手册包括文秘、金融、交通、旅游、机电、公安、航空、保险、医护、汽车、电信、印刷包装等主流行业的典型场景。全书共含30个单元,每个单元涉及一个行业或话题,由两组对话和20个相关单句构成。对话涉及同一行业或话题下密切相关的两个交际或职业场景,单句则补充了对话中没有出现的典型表达法。为了便于学生自学,每个句子都附有汉语翻译。 “新职业英语”系列教材是针对高职高专院校非英语专业开发的全新英语教材,以“工学结合、能力为本”的职业教育理念为指导,在帮助学生打好语言基础的同时,注重培养学生在不同职业场景中的英语交际能力,真正体现职业性和实用性。本系列教材分为基础篇、行业篇、专业篇和素质篇,配有教师用书、MP3光盘和助教课件,为学生和教师提供全方位、立体化的教学支持。
    《职业英语交际手册》是本系列教材基础篇主干教程《职业综合英语》的配套口语专项训练教材,旨在培养学生的职场英语交际能力。全书共30个单元,每个单元涉及一个行业或话题,以对话形式生动地反映该行业典型的社交和职业场景。 Unit 1
    Are you Mr. Johnson from New York?
    Unit 2
    What kind of room do you prefer?
    Unit 3
    May I have your order now?
    Unit 4
    Welcome to WaI-Mart!
    Unit 5
    I've got to mail some urgent documents
    Unit 6
    I have to take a make-up exam in computer class
    Unit 7
    You can't have your cake and eat it too
    Unit 8
    Now we have so many electronic journal titles
    Unit 9
    My first self-driving tour is so screwed up!
    Unit 10
    It isn't rush hour
    Unit 11
    Can I have a window seat?
    Unit 12
    I'd like to book a booth
    Unit 13
    I'd like to propose a toast to your health
    Unit 14
    Can I leave you a message?
    Unit 15
    Packages are "silent salespeople".
    Unit 16
    Do you have an E-mail address?
    Unit 17
    My laptop has a virus
    Unit 18
    What's WAP?
    Unit 19
    Are you looking for a new car?
    Unit 20
    Will it be expensive to build up a gene bank?
    Unit 21
    Are you an art lover?
    Unit 22
    You are going to be discharged the day after tomorrow
    Unit 23
    What type of motor are you looking for?
    Unit 24
    What is the area of these two suites respectively?
    Unit 25
    I've come here for an interview
    Unit 26
    What sort of account do you have in mind?
    Unit 27
    Freeze! Police!
    Unit 28
    He performed a hat trick!
    Unit 29
    A new Steven Spielberg movie is out
    Unit 30
    Would you be interested in buying insurance? Updater(escape("/AjaxControls/ProductComentList"), "dProductCommentList",null,{ name:"prd", value:'603225' });
    常见问题: 我要提问 小时图书排行 2011高考作文追分素材精华本(创新卷)
    全国名校作文教学联席会 策划 陪你到世界终结 夏茗悠元气打造,萌动青春
    夏茗悠 你的眼睛欺骗你 *经典的视幻觉游戏
    [英]艾尔·塞克尔 4.心理控制术:改变自我意象,改变你的人生(成功改变3000万人生活的心理自助原创科学) 5.林徽因经典作品 6.尾巴 7.人性的弱点 8.逻辑思维游戏(“思维游戏魔法书”系列丛书) 9.麦田里的守望者(精装本) 10.小王子 ++



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外