

  • 作者:J.D.Seader
  • 出版社:化学工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787502528188
  • 出版日期:2002年08月01日
  • 页数:886
  • 定价:¥89.00
  • 分享领佣金




    This textbook is intended for use in undergraduate chemical engineering curriculums . The material is suitable for courses in equilibrium-stage processes , stagewise separation processes , mass transfer operations , separations processes , and rate-controlled separations . Those schools that teach a two-semester sequence in equilibrium stages and mass transfer may find that this textbook satisfies all the needs of that sequence . Some schools may find some of the material suitable for graduate c
    Chapter 1 Separation Processes 1
    1.1 Industrial Chemical Processes 1
    1.2 Mechanism of Separation 5
    1.3 Separation by Phase Addition or Creation 7
    1.4 Separation by Barrier 14
    1.5 Separation by Solid Agent 16
    1.6 Separation by External Field of Gradient 18
    1.7 Component Recoveries and PRODUCT purities 19
    1.8 Separation Power 22
    1.9 Selection of Feasible Separation Processes 23Chapter 2 Thermodynamics of Separation Operations 31
    2.1 Energy, Entropy, and Availability Balances 31
    2.2 Phase Equilibria 36
    2.3 Ideal Gas, Ideal Liquid Solution Model 42
    2.4 Graphical Correlations of Thermodynamic
    Properties 51
    2.5 Nonideal Thermodynamic Property Models 51
    2.6 Activity Coefficient Models for the Liquid Phase 63Chapter 3 Mass Transfer and Diffusion 90
    3.1 Steady-State Ordinary Molecular Diffusion 91
    3.2 Diffusion Coefficients 99
    3.3 One-Dimensional Steady-State and Unsteady-State
    Molecular Diffusion 117
    3.4 Molecular Diffusion in Laminar Flow 118
    3.5 Mass Transfer in Turbulent Flow 126
    3.6 Models for Mass Transfer at a Fluid-Fluid Interface 144
    3.7 Two-Film Theory and Overall Mass Transfer
    Coefficients 150
    Chapter 4 Single Equilibrium Stages and Flash Calculations 163
    4.1 The Gibbs Phase Rule and Degrees of Freedom 166
    4.2 Binary Vapor-Liquid Systems 166
    4.3 Azeotropic Systems 173
    4.4 Multicomponent Flash, Bubble-Point, and Dew-Point Calculations 176
    4.5 Ternary Liquid-Liquid Systems 186
    4.6 Multicomponent Liquid-Liquid Systems 195
    4.7 Solid-Liquid Systems 198
    4.8 Gas-Liquid Systems 207
    4.9 Gas-Solid Systems 211
    4.10 Multiphase Systems 213Chapter 5 Cascades 232
    5.1 Cascade Configurations 232
    5.2 Solid-Liquid Cascades 234
    5.3 Single-Section Liquid-Liquid Extraction Cascades 237
    5.4 Multicomponent Vapor-Liquid Group Methods 241
    5.5 Degrees of Freedom and Specifications for Countercurrent Cascades 254Chapter 6 Absorption and Stripping of Dilute Mixtures 270
    6.1 Equipment 273
    6.2 General Design Considerations 281
    6.3 Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method for Trayed Towers 282
    6.4 Algebraic Method for Determining the Number of Equilibrium Stages 289
    6.5 Stage Efficiency 292
    6.6 Tray Capacity , Pressure Drop , and Mass Transfer 305
    6.7 Rate-Based Method for Packed Columns 317
    6.8 Packed Column Efficiency, Capacity, and Pressure Drop 325
    6.9 Concentrated Solutions in Packed Columns 342Chapter 7 Distillation of Binary Mixtures 355
    7.1 Equipment and Design Considerations 358
    7.2 McCabe-Thiele Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method
    for Trayed Towers 395
    7.3 Estimation of Stage Efficiency 391
    7.4 Capacity of Trayed Towers and Reflux Drums 397
    7.5 Rate-Based Method for Packed Columns 398
    7.6 Ponchon-Savarit Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method for Trayed Towers 404Chapter 8 Liquid-Liquid Extraction with Ternary Systems 419
    8.1 Equipment 423
    8.2 General Design Considerations 432
    8.3 Hunter and Nash Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method 438
    8.4 Maloney and Schubert Graphical Equilibrium-Stage Method 459
    8.5 Theory and Scale-up of Extractor Performance 465Chapter 9 Approximate Methods for Multicomponent , Multistage
    Separations 492
    9.1 Fenske-Underwood-Gilliland Method 492
    9.2 Kremser Group Method 514Chapter 10 Equilibrium-Based Methods for Multicomponent
    Absorption, Stripping, Distillation, and Extraction 526
    10.1 Theoretical Model for an Equilibrium Stage 526
    10.2 General Strategy of Mathematical Solution 531
    10.3 Equation-Tearing Procedures 531
    10.4 Simultaneous Correction Procedures 555
    10.5 Inside-Out Method 569Chapter 11 Enhanced Distillation and Supercritical Extraction 586
    11.1 Use of Triangular Graphs 587
    11.2 Extractive Distillation 604
    11.3 Salt Distillation 611
    11.4 Pressure-Swing Distillation 612
    11.5 Homogeneous Azeotropic Distillation 616
    11.6 Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation 621
    11.7 Reactive Distillation 631
    11.8 Supercritical-Fluid Extraction 641Chapter 12 Rate-Based Models for Distillation 655
    12.1 Rate-Based Model 658
    12.2 Thermodynamic Properties and Transport-Rate Expressions 662
    12.3 Methods for Estimating Transport Coefficients and Interfacial Area 667
    12.4 Vapor and Liquid Flow Patterns 668
    12.5 Method of Calculation 668Chapter 13 Batch Distillation 681
    13.1 Differential Distillation 681
    13.2 Binary Batch Rectification with Constant Reflux and Variable Distillate Composition 685
    13.3 Binary Batch Rectification with Constant Distillate Composition and Variable Reflux 688
    13.4 Batch Stripping and Complex Batch Distillation 689
    13.5 Effect of Liquid Holdup 691
    13.6 Shortcut Method for Multicomponent Batch Rectification with Constant Reflux691
    13.7 Stage-by-Stage Methods for Multicomponent Batch Rectification 695Chapter 14 Membrane Separations 713
    14.1 Membrane Materials 718
    14.2 Membrane Modules 722
    14.3 Transport in Membranes 725
    14.4 Dialysis and Electrodialysis 747
    14.5 Reverse Osmosis 755
    14.6 Gas Permeation 761
    14.7 Pervaporation 765Chapter 15 Adsorption, Ion Exchange, and Chromatography 778
    15.1 Sorbents 781
    15.2 Equilibrium Considerations 794
    15.3 Kinetic and Transport Considerations 881
    15.4 Sorption System 820



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