作为具有全球视野的目前的和未来的物流从业者,专业英语水平成为制约其职业发展的重要因素。目前市面上已经有一些此类图书,但是在提高读者的阅读能力和实际应用能力方面结合得并不好。本书力求将两者结合在一起,通过对物流理论知识的介绍、物流案例的解析来提高读者的专业英语阅读能力,同时通过物流运作中的单证往来和信息传递等章节提高读者的专业英语实际应用能力和创新思维能力。编者结合多年的国际物流专业英语和其他物流双语课程的教学实践,力争呈现给读者一本结构清晰、内容丰富、可读性强的物流专业英语教材。 本书力求通过对物流理论知识的介绍以及物流案例的解析来提高读者的专业英语阅读能力,同时通过物流运作中的单证往来和信息传递等章节提高读者的专业英语实际应用能力和创新思维能力。本书在每章都安排了具有针对性的习题,帮助读者迅速、准确地把握该章的基本内容并拓展思路。附录部分全面地介绍了世界知名物流企业的发展历程、业务范围与经营理念,希望能够开拓读者视野、激发学习兴趣、端正择业观念。
本书可作为普通高等院校物流管理和工商管理等专业的教材和参考用书,也可作为各类工商企业国际商务与国际物流管理人员的培训参考用书。 Chapter 1 Introduction to Logistics Management
1.1 What is Logistics
1.1.1 Brief History of Logistics Emergence
1.1.2 Origins and Definition of Logistics
1.1.3 Recognizing the Boundary of Logistics
1.1.4 Other Types of Logistics
1.2 Mission of Logistics Management
1.2.1 Logistics Management Provide Competitive Advantage
1.2.2 Gaining Competitive Advantage through Logistics
1.2.3 The Mission of Logistics Management
1.3 The Changing Logistics Environment
1.3.1 The Customer Service Explosion
1.3.2 Time Compression
1.3.3 Globalization of Industry
1.3.4 Organizational Integration
1.3.5 The New Rules of Competition
1.4 Building the Logistics Network of the 21st Century
1.4.1 Logistics Network Building with E-business Development Framework
1.4.2 Factors in Optimizing a Logistics Network
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Management
2.1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management
2.1.1 Definition of Supply Chain Management
2.1.2 Differences between Logistics and Supply Chain Management
2.1.3 Supply Chain Management Process
2.1.4 Importance of an Effective Supply Chain Management
2.1.5 Supply Chain Management Eras
2.2 Principles of Supply Chain Management
2.3 Methods Concerning Supply Chain Management
2.4 Developing Supply Chain Systems
2.5 Supply Chain Business Process Integration
Chapter 3 Procurement and Supplier Management
3.1 The Definition and Role of Procurement
3.1.1 Definition of Procurement
3.1.2 The Strategic Role of Purchasing
3.2 Purchasing Management
3.2.1 Purchasing Research and Planning
3.2.2 Measurement and Evaluation of Purchasing Performance
3.3 Supplier Selection and Evaluation
3.3.1 Importance of Supplier Selection and Evaluation
3.3.2 Procedures of Supplier Evaluation
3.4 Supplier Relationship Management
3.4.1 Definition of Supplier Relationshi…… Updater(escape("/AjaxControls/ProductComentList"), "dProductCommentList",null,{ name:"prd", value:'672880' });
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