The drawing depicts a football player about to take a close shot on the goal. Thoughtbubbles are shown for both the player taking the shot and the goalkeeper. While the playertaking the shot pictures a huge goalkeeper who nearly fills up the entire goal, the goalkeeperpictures himself as being much smaller than he actually is.
The drawing intends to show us that we often underestimate ourselves and overestimateothers. In the goalkeeper's mind, he has the impossible task of defending a huge goal, while theplayer taking the shot imagines a gigantic goalkeeper who could stop nearly any shot. In fact,neither of the players has an accurate view of the challenge they are facing. The drawingreminds us that it is important to have a clear picture of the challenges we face in life.
Examples of this phenomenon can be found in many other situations. For instance, themountain climber may see the mountain as taller than it really is, or the student might see his orher relatively simple class project as an insurmountable task.