CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1. Travel in History
2. The Transportation Revolution
3. About Hospitality Industry
CHAPTER 2 Service Makes Kifference
1. What Is Service?
2. Characteristics of Services
3. Strategic Planning
4. The Strategic Service Vision
5. Keys to Delivering Good Service
CHAPTER 3 Understanding the World of Hotels
1. Hotel Industry
2. Hotel Guests
3. Hotel Categories
CHAPTER 4 Hotel Organization
1. How Is a Hotel Organized?
2. Revenue Centers
3. Cost Centers
CHAPTER 5 Managing and Leading Hospitality Enterrpises
1. A Manager's Job
2. The Importance of Leadership
Appendix Eight Managerial/Leadership Roles
CHAPTER 6 Managing Human Resources
1. Labor Trends
2. Human Resources Programs
CHAPTER 7 Marketing Hospitality
1. The Marketing Concept
2. Sales Management
3. Advertising
4. Public Relations
5. Sales Promotion
CHAPTER 8 Hotel Contracts and Agreement
1. Development of Hotel Chains
2. Franchising Is Big Business
3. Why Management Companines Exist
4. Management Contracts
5. Joint Venture
6. Hotel Consortia
CHAPTER 9 Cost Control
1. Costing Concept
2. The Impact of Cost Structure on Profitability
CHAPTER 10 Globa Competition and the Future
1. Long-term Tourism Growth Trends
2. Tourism Grwth in Asia and the Pacific
3. Technolgy and Automation
4. Tourism and the Environment
5. Mergers, Acquisitions, Cooperative Arragements
Reference Books