Figures and tables
Ust of symbols, signs and abbreviations
Typographical conventions
Chapter 1 Sociolinguistics: first things first
1.1 What is sociolinguistics?
1.2 Internal and external linguistics
1.3 Presupposed views of sociolinguistics
1.4 Aims of sociolinguistics
1.5 Sociolinguistics and related disciplines
1.6 Methodology of sociolinguistics
Reading and discussion
Chapter2 The social functions of language
2.1 Language functions in general
2.2 Functions of language according to M.A.K. HaUiday"
2.3 The social functions of language
2.4 The social functions of language: a practical view
2.5 Functional relationship between language and society"
Reading and discussion
Chapter3 Language and society in interaction
3.1 Interrelationship between language and society
3.2 The effect of society on language
3.3 The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
Reading and discussion
Chapter4 Varieties of language: a preliminary view
4.1 The definition of 'variety of language'
4.2 Classification of varieties of language
4.3 Speech community
4.4 Variety and related terms
4.5 Language variation and types of linguistic items--
Reading and discussion
Chapter 5 Dialect
5.1 Definitions and classification
5.2 Language and dialect
5.3 Standard (language / dialect / variety)
Reading and discussion
Chapter 6 Register
6.1 Definition of 'register'
6.2 Three determinants of register
6.3 Controvesy over the denotation of 'register
6.4 Dialect and register
6.5 Concepts related to register
Reading and discussion
Chapter 7 Mixture of varieties
Chapter 8 Regional variation of language
Chaoter 9 Social class and language variation
Chapter 10 Ethnicity and linguistic variation
Chapter 11 Gender differentiation of language
Chapter 12 Context and language variation
Appendix Native English-speaking areas
Subject index