鹊踏枝 ——无名氏: 叵耐灵鹃多谩语, 送喜何曾有凭据? 几度飞来活捉取, 锁上金笼休共语。 比拟好心来送喜, 谁知锁我在金笼里。 欲他征夫早归来, 腾身却放我向青云里。 Tune:“The Magpie on Branch” Anonymous How can I bear to hear the chattering magpie Announce the happy news on which I can.t rely? So thus I catch it alive when it flies to me again And shut it in a cage where lonely't will remain. ——With good intent I brought her a happy message. Who would expect she’d shut me in a golden cage? I wish her husband would come back soon so that I Might be set free and take my flight to the blue sky.赏析 这首词选自敦煌曲子词,是发现于甘肃敦煌莫高窟(又称千佛洞)的唐五代民间词曲。词的上阕写征夫的妻子看到鹊儿鸣叫以为是丈夫要归来,可是等待成空,恼恨鹊儿报信不实,把它捉来,放入笼中,不予理睬。而下阕写笼中的鹊儿满心委屈,好心来报喜,却被锁在笼子里。就盼望征夫早日归来吧,当他归来之日,鹊儿就又可以在云中自由翱翔了。 P6-P7