孙膑减灶诱歼庞涓 魏惠王派太子申和庞涓聚集全国兵力,再次攻打韩国。韩哀侯向齐国求救。齐王任命田忌为主将,田婴为副将,孙膑为军师,率领大军20万,战车五百辆,大队人马赴韩救援。 田忌想领兵直逼韩国都城。军师孙膑说:“此举不可!前年我们救赵,未到赵国,就替他们解了围,如今救韩,也���必非到韩国去。”田忌忙问: “难道军师又有良策?”孙膑答道:“排难解危的关键,在于直接攻击敌人老巢,危难即可解除,现我们只有用重兵直逼敌人都城才是上策。然后我另有计谋让敌人上当。” 主将田忌听从了孙膑的建议,号令三军齐向魏国都城进发。此时魏将庞涓连战连胜,继续指挥魏军大举进攻,直逼韩国新都城下。**忽然有魏国特使前来报警说:“齐国大军再次攻人我魏国边境,请元帅尽快班师回国。 ”庞涓听说齐国军师孙膑又领兵攻人魏国,大惊失色,匆忙传令退兵返国。 孙膑深知对付庞涓只能智取,不能硬拼。于是,他又向田忌献上“减灶诱敌”的计谋。 庞涓率领军队往西南前行,一路上想到攻打韩国就要取胜,却被孙膑搅扰,心里十分愤怒。等到魏国境内,得知齐国军队刚刚撤走,马上命令急速追赶。庞涓发现一路上还留下齐军安营扎寨的痕迹,只见满地都是做饭的灶头,叫人一数,足有十万个之多。庞涓大吃一惊:“齐国军队数量如此之众,我们不可轻敌。”追至第二天,又到齐兵安营的地方清点灶头,只有五万多个。第三天,只剩下三万个了。庞涓高兴起来了,说:“这真是魏王的洪福啊!”命令部队全速追击。太子申问道:“军师没有见到敌人的情形,为什么就这么高兴啊?”庞涓答道:“我早就听说齐国军队胆小怕死,现在从他们宿营做饭的灶头数量来看,三天之内士兵就逃走了大半。我军穷追不舍,定能取胜。”太子申道:“齐人很狡猾,军师得提防些啊。”庞涓非常自信,哪里还听得进这些,马上传令挑选精兵二万人,扔下其他辎重和步兵,与太子申分为两队,日夜兼程追赶齐军。 孙膑计算庞涓的行程,傍晚将到达马陵道。马陵道处于两山之间,溪谷深隘,是埋伏军队的**之处。孙膑命令把马陵道旁的大树砍倒作为路障,只留下一棵*大的树,削去一大块树皮,在树上写上六个大字:“庞涓死此树下”。然后命令五千弓箭手,埋伏在道的两旁,吩咐只要见到树下亮起火光,就一起射箭。 却说庞涓马不停蹄一路追来,来到马陵道时,正值太阳落山。只见眼前路障重重,庞涓只得命令已经疲惫不堪的士卒搬开路障。正在此时,他忽然抬头发现大树上有一块白色处,上面隐隐约约写着一行字,忙叫来军士点火照亮,仔细辨认。等庞涓看清字迹后,大吃一惊,说道:“我中孙膑之计了。”话音未落,只见箭如雨下,魏军大乱,四处逃散,被射死和互相践踏而死的不计其数。庞涓身上中了几处箭伤,伤势很重,自知在劫难逃,于是拔剑自刎而死。 孙膑以减灶的办法,制造士兵数量减少的假象,瞒天过海,示假隐真,诱使庞涓上钩,进而一举将其歼灭。P7-8 Sunbin Annihilated Pangjuan by Reducing Cooking Range King Hui of Wei sent his prince Shen and Pang juan to lead the soldiers of the whole state to attack Han again. The official Ai of Han sought help from Qi. The King of Qi named Tianji the leading general, Tianying the deputy general, Sunbin the military counselor, and ordered them to lead an army of 200,000 people and 500 chariots to succor Han. Tianji led his army to get close to the capital of Han. The military counselor Sunbin said, "It wouldn't work. The year before last year we successfully saved Zhao without reaching it. This time we don't need to reach Han, either." Tianji asked, "Do you have any good strategy?" Sunbin answered, "The key to help Han out of trouble is to attack directly the home of their enemy. We'd better to send some soldiers to attack the capital of Wei." Tianji followed Sunbin's suggestion and they marched towards the capital of Wei. Then the general of Wei, Pangjuan, had accomplished several victories and got almost to the capital of Han. One day an alarm signal was sent to him that their state had been invaded by Qi and Pangjuan was ordered to return. Pangjuan then returned to Wei. Sunbin then suggest a strategy of "Reducing the Cooking Range to Mislead the Enemy". Pangjuan led his army to advance towards the southwest, being angry that his victory with Han slipped from his hand because of Sunbin. On the arrival of Wei, he learned that the army from Qi had just left. He immediately ordered his army to chase the enemy in full speed. Along the way he found some trace of camping by the army of Qi. On some lots there are traces of hearths here and there, with the number of about 100,000. Pangjuan was shocked by the number of the enemy and decided he should not take his enemy lightly...P9