There is no single, generally-accepted, definition of public administration, and perhaps there never will be.1 In this chapter, we explain why this is so, and while the absence of a single definition may be frustrating, it at least partially reflects healthy "growing pains" of a young, complex, and thus highly interesting field of academic study and practice.
Public administration may be defined as all processes, organizations, and individuals ... associated with carrying out laws and other rules adopted or issued by legislatures, executives, and courts.2 (Emphasis in original.)
Public administration is so vast that there is no way to encompass it all with only one definition.3
Public administration, like many human endeavors, is difficult to define.... In part, this is because public administration covers such a vast amount of activity. ... It was pointed out some time ago that any one-paragraph or even one-sentence definition of public administration is bound to prove temporarily mind-paralyzing.4
To define a subject is to fix its boundaries or, if those turn out to be fuzzy, to identify its essence, its core character. But for public administration this has proved so intractable a problem that its scholarly study is said to be suffering a "crisis of identity."5
All of us who teach public administration have our own sense of what it is, and most of us would agree about many aspects of a definition. "Public administration does involve activity, it is concerned with politics and policy-making, it tends to be concentrated in the executive branch of government, it does differ from private [business] administration, and it is concerned with implementing the law."6 On the other hand, we also disagree spiritedly about where the "boundaries" of public administration lie and about the relative importance of various dimensions of public administration. 自20世纪80年代恢复以来,行政管理学在我国经历了十多年的摸索和积累期,世纪之交终于呈现出飞跃式发展的态势:行政管理学博士点相继设立,公共管理获得一级学科的地位,公共管理专业硕士学位(MPA)教育开始启动且发展迅猛,开设行政管理本科专业的大专院校达到130家,公共事业管理本科专业则突破了300家,加上党校、行政学院公共管理教研机构的大量设立,说公共管理是21世纪初我国发展*迅猛的学科并不夸张。