前言 PartⅠ EDUCATIONAND SOCIETY Unit 1 Educational History ReadingⅠ China’SEducationalTraditions ReadingⅡ CoreValuesoftheChineseAcademy Unit 2 Educational Philosophy Reading Ⅰ Epistemology——HOW do We Know? Reading Ⅱ Metaphors forTeaching Unit3 ComparativeandHigherEducation Reading Ⅰ The Purposes of Comparative Study of Education Reading Ⅱ The Importance ofGeneral Education
Part Ⅱ SCHOOLING Unit4 SchoolEducation Reading Ⅰ Aims ofEducation Reading Ⅱ Kinds ofCurricula ReadingIII PerspectivesonTechnologyinSchools Unit 5 Reforms ofSchooling Reading Ⅰ Gender Reading Ⅱ The Full.Inclusion Debate Reading Ⅲ The Effects of Cultural Differences on Learning
PartⅢ EDUCATIONALPSYCHOLOGY Unit 6 Intelligence Reading I Emotional Intelligence Reading ⑷ Sternberg’S Definition of Intelligence Unit 7 Cooperative Learning Reading Ⅰ Why does Cooperative Learning Affect Student Achievement7 Reading Ⅱ Outcomes ofCooperation Reading Ⅲ Essential Features of Cooperative Learning Unit 8 Learning Styles,Domains,and Non-Intelligence Factors Reading Ⅰ Learning Style:Field Dependence Versus Field Independence Reading Ⅱ The Cognitive Domain Reading Ⅲ Promoting Positive Self-Concept and Self-Esteem
PartⅣ CLASsR00MINSTRUCTION Unit 9 Direct and Indirect Instruction Reading Ⅰ Comparison of Direct and Indirect Instruction Reading Ⅱ Conceptual Movement:Induction and Deduction Unit 10 Difierentiated Instruction Reading Ⅰ What Is“Differentiated Instruction”? Reading Ⅱ Why Differentiate Instruction? Reading Ⅲ Key Principles of Differentiated Instruction Unit 11 Instructional Strategies Reading Ⅰ Problem-Solving Strategies Reading Ⅱ QuestioningforDepth Reading Ⅲ Scaffolding Techniques
PartⅤ ENGLISH TEACHINGAND LEARNING Unit 12 Language and LanguageAcquisition Reading Ⅰ The Smges of Second Language Acquisition Reading Ⅱ Language Acquisition Theory and the Classroom Teacher Unit 13 Development ofLanguage Skills Reading Ⅰ Strategies for Language Development Reading II Reading Is an Interactive and Strategic Process Unit 14 Innovations in English Teaching Reading I The Principles of English Medium Teaching Reading Ⅱ Phonics:What We Know from Research and Practice Unit 15 The Communicative Classroom Reading Ⅰ Characteristics of Communicative Approach Reading �� Teaching by Principles-Cognitive Principles
PartⅥ AssESSMENTAND TESTING Unit 16 Assessment Reading Ⅰ What IsAssessment7 Reading Ⅱ Assessing.Testing andTeaching
PartⅦ CLAssROOM MANAGEMENT Unit 17 EstablishinganEffectiveClassroomClimate Reading Ⅰ Low-ProfileClassroomManagement Reading Ⅱ Developing Effective Classroom Groups
Part Ⅷ BEING AN EFFECTIVE AND REFLECTIVETEACHE Unit 18 Being an EffectiveTeacher Reading Ⅰ TheRoleoftheTeacher Reading Ⅱ Effective Teaching Unit 19 BeingaReflectiveTeacher Reading ⅠReflection Reading Ⅱ Making Action Research a Part of Daily Teaching Practices
Part Ⅸ TEACHER’S PROFESSlONAL DEVELOPMENT、 Unit 20 Why and How to Develop Professionally Reading Ⅰ Reasons for Pursuing Professional Development ReadingⅡ KnowledgeIsConstructedbyLearners Keys to the Exercises