After combustion is established,the required air-fuel rates must be maintained.Withinsufficient airflow,the formation of combustible gas pockets is possible,which creates thepotential for explosions.Air should be furnished to match the combustion requirements of thefuel.and a small amount of excess air should be used to ensure proper mixing and to promotethe correct fuelair distribution.In addition,it is important to verify boiler water levels and flows.Combustion shouldnever be established until adequate cooling water is in the tubes and steam drum.Operatingprocedures should be followed carefully based on the designer’s instructions.The set point for each safety valve is normally checked and adjusted,if necessary,immediately after reaching the operating pressure for the first time with steam.Safety valveseats are susceptible to damage from wet steam or grit.For initial operation or aftermaintenance,this potential damage to the seats is a primary reason to clean the boiler and blow Out the superheater and steam lines prior to testing the safety valves.Safety valves on drum-type boilers are normally tested for both setpoint pressure and theclosing pressure.This requires that the boiler pressure be raised until the safety valve opensand it relieves enough pressure s0 that the safety valve closes properly. 近年来,我国国民经济持续快速增长,为了建设能源节约型和环境友好型社会,人们对实现可持续的能源开发与电力生产提出了更高的要求,并促使能源与电力部门大量应用*新技术和设备,为此,有相当一部分先进技术与设备需要在全球范围内进行招标选优。显然,在这种新的形势下,我国需要大量既精通能源与电力生产及设备专业技术,又具有用英语进行专业技术交流与沟通能力的**专业技术人才。此书正是在此背景下组织编写而成,它适用于能源与动力工程相关专业的在校大学生及广大科技工作者。通过精读与泛读此书,可以使读者直接掌握并熟练应用能源与动力工程技术领域中*常用的专业词汇、特有的语法现象、学术论文的写作风格及翻译技巧,并从中领悟专业英语与普通英语文献的差异与共同点,从而全面提升读者的专业英语阅读、写作、听说交流能力。