

  • 作者:(俄罗斯)帕尔申
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030234896
  • 出版日期:2009年01月01日
  • 页数:247
  • 定价:¥58.00
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    The aim of this survey, written by V. A. lskovskikh and Yu. G.Prokhorov, is to provide an exposition of the structure theory of Fano varieties, i.e. algebraic varieties with an ample anticanonical divisor.Such varieties naturally appear in the birational classification of varieties of negative Kodaira dimension, and they are very close to rational ones. This EMS volume covers different approaches to the classification of Fano varieties such as the classical Fanolskovskikh"double projection"metho
    Chapter 1. Preliminaries
    1.1. Singularities
    1.2. On Numerical Geometry of Cycles
    1.3. On the Mori Minimal Model Program
    1.4. Results on Minimal Models in Dimension Three
    Chapter 2. Basic Properties of Fano Varieties
    2.1. Definitions, Examples and the Simplest Properties
    2.2. Some General Results
    2.3. Existence of Good Divisors in the Fundamental Linear System
    2.4. Base Points in the Fundamental Linear System
    Chapter 3. Del Pezzo Varieties and Fano Varieties of Large Index
    3.1. On Some Preliminary Results of Fujita
    3.2. Del Pezzo Varieties. Definition and Preliminary Results
    3.3. Nonsingular del Pezzo Varieties. Statement of the Main Theorem and Beginning of the Proof
    3.4. Del Pezzo Varieties with Picard Number p = 1.
    Continuation of the Proof of the Main Theorem
    3.5. Del Pezzo Varieties with Picard Number p ≥ 2.
    Conclusion of the Proof of the Main Theorem
    Chapter 4. Fano Threefolds with p = 1
    4.1. Elementary Rational Maps: Preliminary Results
    4.2. Families of Lines and Conics on Fano Threefolds
    4.3. Elementary Rational Maps with Center along a Line
    4.4. Elementary Rational Maps with Center along a Conic
    4.5. Elementary Rational Maps with Center at a Point
    4.6. Some Other Rational Maps
    Chapter 5. Fano Varieties of Coindex 3 with p = 1:
    The Vector Bundle Method
    5.1. Fano Threefolds of Genus 6 and 8: Gushel's Approach
    5.2. A Review of Mukai's Results on the Classification of Fano Manifolds of Coindex 3
    Chapter 6. Boundedness and Rational Connectedness of Fano Varieties
    6.1. Uniruledness
    6.2. Rational Connectedness of Fano Varieties
    Chapter 7. Fano Varieties with p ≥ 2
    7.1. Fano Threefolds with Picard Number p ≥ 2 (Survey of Results of Mori and Mukai
    7.2. A Survey of Results about Higher-dimensional Fano Varieties with Picard Number p ≥ 2
    Chapter 8. Rationality Questions for Fano Varieties I
    8.1. Intermediate Jacobian and Prym Varieties
    8.2. Intermediate Jacobian: the Abel-Jacobi Map
    8.3. The Brauer Group as a Birational Invariant
    Chapter 9. Rationality Questions for Fano Varieties II
    9.1. Birational Automorphisms of Fano Varieties
    9.2. Decomposition of Birational Maps in the Context of Mori Theory
    Chapter 10. Some General Constructions of Rationality and Unirationality
    10.1. Some Constructions of Unirationality
    10.2. Unirationality of Complete Intersections
    10.3. Some General Constructions of Rationality
    Chapter 11. Some Particular Results and Open Problems
    11.1. On the Classification of Three-dimensional -Fano Varieties
    11.2. Generalizations
    11.3. Some Particular Results
    11.4. Some Open Problems
    Chapter 12. Appendix: Tables
    12.1. Del Pezzo Manifolds
    12.2. Fano Threefolds with p = 1
    12.3. Fano Threefolds with p = 2
    12.4. Fano Threefolds with p = 3
    12.5. Fano Threefolds with p = 4
    12.6. Fano Threefolds with p ≥ 5
    12.7. Fano Fourfolds of Index 2 with p ≥ 2
    12.8. Toric Fano Threefolds
    The aim of this survey, written by V. A. lskovskikh and Yu. G.Prokhorov, is to provide an exposition of the structure theory of Fano varieties, i.e. algebraic varieties with an ample anticanonical divisor.Such varieties naturally appear in the birational classification of varieties of negative Kodaira dimension, and they are very close to rational ones.



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