Organizational communication is the sharing of information related to an organizational activity between two or more individuals or organizational units. Sharing of information implies the collection, analysis, and transmission of information. Therefore, organizational communication may be thought of as a process. A communication network is made of a series of communication dyads. A dyad consists of a sender (source), a receiver, a message delivered through a channel(s), a medium connecting the sender and the receiver, and (optionally) feedback from the receiver to the sender. The communication process consists of the sender collecting data, encoding the data to form a message, and sending the message to the receiver, who decodes it. In many instances, the receiver acknowledges receipt of the message through some form of feedback. Communication distortion is the transformation of the meaning of a message by intentionally or unintentionally altering its content. This transformation includes any instance where information gets lost or destroyed, is modified or altered in a misleading manner, is sent to the wrong place, arrives late, or cannot be understood by the receiver. In many instances, communication distortion may be prevented through the appropriate use of information technology. Telecommunications can be thought of as the transmission of a message across a distance. Telecommunication technology can be used to facilitate communications between organizational members, or between organizational members and external parties such as customers and suppliers. One common example is the use of the public telephone system to carry a voice conversation between two or more people. Data traffic over networks such as the Internet continues to increase dramatically. To respond to the needs of the increased data traffic, telecommunications providers (e.g., local and long-distance telephone companies) need to transform the telecommunications infrastructure i
…… 在当前经济全球化的背景下,中国经济的发展需要大量具备扎实理论功底、了解国际规则、能够适应国际竞争需要的**的经济管理人才,所以,大力开展双语教学,适当引进和借鉴国外**的原版教材,是加快中国经济管理教育步伐,使之走向国际化的一条捷径。为此,北京大学出版社与国外**出版公司麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司和汤姆森学习出版集团合作推出了《经济与金融经��入门教材》和《管理学经典入门教材》两套系列丛书,这两套丛书的大部分均同时包含英文版和翻译版,主要针对本科层次,目前首先推出英文版(英文影印版/英文改编版)。丛书的筛选完全是本着“出新、出好、出精”的原则,均经过北京大学及国内其他**高校相关学者的精心挑选,分别汇集了国外经济与金融和管理学领域的经典教材,称得上是一套优中选精的丛书。