I 第三角投影习题
I-1 Instrumental Drawing
I-2 Inclined Lettering
I-3 Geometric Constructions
I-4 Technicl Sketching
I-5 Muliview Projection
I-6 Computer-Aided Drafting
I-7 Sectional Vicews
I-8 Auxiliary Views
I-9 Dimensioning
I-10 Threads and Fasteners
I-11 Isometric Drawing
I-12 Oblique Projection
I-13 Points,Lines and Planes
I-14 Parallelism and Perpendicularity
I-15 Intersections and Developments
I-16 Detail Drawings
II **角投影习题
II-1 制图基本知识
II-2 组合体视图
II-3 计算机绘图基础
II-4 图样画法
II-5 尺寸标注
II-6 标准件、常用件
II-7 轴测投影
II-8 点、直线和平面的投影
II-9 直线、平面的相对位置
II-10 平面与立体、立体与体相交
II-11 零件图、装配图