Today I am ill;I may die of this illness,for I have always had the presentimentthat I shall die young.My mother died of consumption,and the way I have alwayslived could but increase the only heritage she ever left me.But I do not want to diewithout clearing up for you everything about me;that is,if,when you come back,youwill still trouble yourself about the poor girl whom you loved before you went away. This is what the le~er contained;I shall like writing it over again,SO as to givemyself another proof of my own justification.You remember,Armand,how the arrivalof your father surprised US at Bougival;you remember the involuntary fright that hisarrival caused me,and the scene which took place between you and him,which youtold me of in the evening?
Next day,when you were in Paris,waiting for your father,and he did not return,a man came to the door and handed in a letter frOm M.Duval.
His letter,which I inclose with this,begged me,in the most serious terms,tokeep you away on the following day,on some excuse or other,and to see yourfather,who wished to speak to me,and asked me particularly not to say anything toyou about it.