There are plenty of examples of options in everyday life. Historians and archaeologistshave even discovered primitive options. Though these arrangements may resemblemodem options, the current system of options markets traces its origins to thenineteenth century, when puts and calls were offered on shares of stock. Little is knownabout the options world of the 1800s other than that it was fraught with corruption.
Then, in the early 1900s, a group of firms calling itself the Put and Call Brokersand Dealers Association created an options market. If someone wanted to buy anoption, a member of the association would find a seller willing to write it. If themember firm could not find a writer, it would write the option itself. Thus, a memberfirm could be either a broker——one who matches buyer and seller——or a dealer——one who actually takes a position in the transaction.
Although this over-the-counter options market was viable, it suffered from severaldeficiencies. First, it did not provide the option holder the opportunity to sell theoption to someone else before it expired. Options were designed to be held all theway to expiration, whereupon they were either exercised or allowed to expire. Thus,an option contract had little or no liquidity. Second, the writer's performance wasguaranteed only by the broker-dealer firm. If the writer or the Put and Call Brokersand Dealers Association member firm went bankrupt, the option holder was simplyout of luck.1 Third, the cost of transacting was relatively high, due partly to the firsttwo problems.
In 1973, a revolutionary change occurred in the options world. The Chicago Boardof Trade, the world's oldest and largest exchange for the trading of commodity futurescontracts, organized an exchange exclusively for trading options on stocks. Theexchange was named the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). It opened its doorsfor call option trading on April 26, 1973, and the first puts were added in June 1977.
The CB
…… 自教育部在《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》【教高(2001)4号】中提出双语教学的要求后,各地高校相继开设了一系列双语教学课程。这对提高学生的��科和外文水平,开阔国际视野,培养创新型人才起到了重要的作用;一大批教师也逐渐熟悉了外文授课,自身的教学水平和能力得到较大提高,具备国际学术思维的中青年教师脱颖而出。同时,经过近几年的双语教学实践,国外原版教材量大、逻辑不够清晰、疏离中国现实等问题也影响了双语教学的效果。因此,对外版教材进行本土化的精简改编,使之更加适合我国的双语教学已提上教材建设日程。
为了满足高等学校经济管理类双语课程本土化教学的需要,在教育部高等教育司的指导和支持下,高等教育出版社同Thomson Leaming等国外**出版公司通力合作,在国内**推出了金融、会计、经济学等专业的英文原版改编教材。本套教材的遴选、改编和出版严格遵循了以下几个原则: