The statement of cash flows introduced in this chapter helps US track a vital resource ofany organizationcash.Cash is readily transferable value,and all organizations need cashto carry out their basic functions.The separation of cash flows from operating,investing,and financing activities helps US understand the sources and uses of cash,and shouldhelp US better understand the financial position and performance of an organization. We alSO showed two ways of compiling cash flow statements.The more straightforward method iS to analyze the cash account and iS called the direct method.The indirect method uses the balance sheet equation to derive the cash flows.The balance sheetidentity itself guarantees that we can express the change in cash as t11e sum of the changesin the noncash,permanent accounts.The rough correspondence between current accounts and operations,longterm assets and investing,and longterm liabilities and equities and financing provides a good"starting point for using the balance sheet accountsto derive the three sections of the cash flow statement. The indirect method of deriving cash flows iS useful for more than just deriving acash flow statement.It iS also a useful method of analysis for a potential lender to assessthe probability of repayment of a proposed loan,or for an investment banker to estimatea value of a company.In either of these two applications,the problem iS to predict thefuture cash flows of an organization.It iS often useful to break up this problem intosmaller steps.First,future sales are forecast.Then,expenses are forecast,and forecasts ofincome result.The assets required to generate this income are estimated,as is any current operating borrowing,such as purchasing on account;that iS,forecasts are made offuture balance sheets.Given these forecasts of future income and future balance sheets,the indirect method iS applied to derive the implied forecasts of cash flows.For this rea?son,we
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