PART ONE INTRODUCTION Chapter1 Introduction and Overview 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Why Study Network? 1.3 The Scope of This Book 1.4 Introductory Terminology Definition of Communication Definition of Tecommunications Definition of Network Acronyms 1.5 Basic Elements of a Network 1.6 A Brief History of Telecommunications Networks The Telegraph Network Early Telephone Networks Early Teleprinting Services Early Teleprinting Radio Teleprinting The Telephone Network Analog and Digital Telephone Services 1.7 Contemporary Examples of Networks SUMMARY PEVIEW QUESTIONS PROBLEMS AND PROJECTS CASE STUDY:Communicating with Employees Chapter2 Network Classification Chapter3 Network Architectures and Standards Chapter4 Introduction to Protocols PART TWO DATA COMMUNICATIONS Chapter5 Data Coding Chapter6 Data Communication Fundamentals Chapter7 Data Link Control Protoclos Chapter8 Transmission Media Chapter9 Communication Circuits PART THREE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS Chapter10 Local Area Networks(LANs) Chapter11 LAN Systems Chapter12 LAN lnstallation and Opreation Chapter13 Wide Area Networks(WANs) PART FOUR INTERNETWORKING Chapter14 Internetworking Chapter15 The Internet Chapter16 Internet Applications PART FIVE NETWORK MANAGEMENT Chapter17 Network Security Chapter18 Network Design and Implementation Chapter19 Network Management and Operation Appendixes Glossary Acronyms Index