

  • 作者:(美国)(Ralph A.Burns)伯恩斯
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040144604
  • 出版日期:2004年04月01日
  • 页数:746
  • 定价:¥55.00
  • 分享领佣金





    To the Instructor
    The wide acceptance and success of the third edition of this textbook provided the impetus for making refinements and modifications that are designed tomake the text even more appealing and effective. A successful text is, by definition, a work in progress. A special thank you is extended to all users and reviewerswho have made helpful suggestions that will enable this new edition to effectivelyaddress the needs of today's student population.
    This text is written especially for students who have had no instruction——orlimited instruction——in chemistry. It is for the broad range of students who are inthe process of preparing themselves for subsequent courses in chemistry and othersciences. It is also for students who are preparing to enter nursing, allied health, andtechnical programs, and for students in a variety of disciplines who take the coursefor general education purposes.
    Although chemistry is everywhere——and without it life would not be possibleexcitement and anticipation for learning about chemicals and chemical reactions isfrequently not evident among students. Instead, students often approach the study ofchemistry with considerable apprehension. Furthermore, chemistry educators at all levels express a genuine concern about the limited science background and mathematical skills of many students. Beginning students especially need help to
    overcome their fears,
    approach chemistry with confidence,develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills,apply principles of chemistry when solving problems,appreciate exciting real-world connections and applications of chemistry, andunderstand that chemistry is a part of everyday life.
    In this fourth edition, we have addressed the goals listed here by extending andenhancing the blend of learning approaches directed at common problems studentsoften have in understanding chemistry. Only when a student is competent will sheor he be able to overcome fear, and have confidence.
    To help students achieve real understanding, this text does the following things.
    Addresses student attitudes from the start. Preceding Chapter 1 is a letter tostudents that addresses student apprehension and study techniques. It lists six levelsof thought processes, describes ten principles of productive study, and gives stepsand actions that lead to success. Specific study techniques are recommended for use before lectures, during lectures, and before exams. Instead of expecting students to automatically know how to approach the study of chemistry, we suggest and provide successful learning strategies.
    Preface xv
    A Letter to the Student xxvi
    1 Chemistry Is Everywhere I
    2 Matter and Energy 12
    3 Fundamental Measurements 35
    4 Elements, Atoms, and the Periodic Table 76
    5 Atomic Structure: Atoms and Ions 114
    6 Names, Formulas, and Uses of Inorganic Compounds 154
    7 Periodic Properties of Elements 184
    8 Chemical Bonds 213
    9 Chemical Quantities 249
    10 Chemical Reactions 276
    11 Stoichiometry: Calculations Based on Chemical Equations 312
    12 Gases 338
    13 Liquids and Solids 376
    14 Solutions 407
    15 Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium 437
    16 Acids and Bases 469
    17 Oxidation and Reduction 507
    18 Fundamentals of Nuclear Chemistry 539
    19 Organic Chemistry 577
    20 Biochemistry 624
    APPENDIX A Metric and English Conversions and Some Physical Constants 656
    APPENDIX B Basic Algebra Operations 657
    APPENDIX C Exponential Notation 660
    APPEND~ D Using Conversion Factors to Solve Problems 664
    APPENDIX E Glossary 671
    APPENDIX F Solutions to Exercises and Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 684
    Credits for Photographs 724
    Index 727



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