Meet the people behind one of Europe's more unusual fashion houses.Stan Smith, Chuck Taylor and Air Jordan, some say these trainers are nowtranscending sport, and entering the realm of pop art. "They are such a part ofculture now, they are those who revere certain products as icons." Okay, so thisexhibition is taking place at a shoe store and not the Pompidou center. Butathletic shoemakers are working to earn their design credentials. Instead ofburly footballers, slender models are sporting Adidas trainers.
ADIDAS CEO: "Adidas is known as a great functional brand, alwaysdelivering the best functional sports products. On top of that, it's no longenough just to have the basic colors and so on, things like that. It's reallyimportant for us also to deliver great designs, inspirational designs."
REPORTER: To achieve that, Adidas has entered into partnership withJapanese designer Yoji Yamamoto.
FASHION MAGAZINE EDITOR: "It's such an unlikely marriage,because Yoji is kind of considered to be one of the most avant-garde designersin the world. And also, the last person you really think of to be associated withsports wear. And Adidas had such a sort of, kind of very very high profile in thesports. Kind of media generally. So to put the two together is some quitebizarre."
REPORTER: Bizarre perhaps, but also increasingly common. CompetitorPuma has also teamed up with Joe Sander to deliver a high-end trainer. ButAdidas isn't just depending on name designers to increase its style points. Thecompany is pushing its clothing out of sporting good stores and into fashionboutiques. The classic Adidas tracksuit had a prominent place in the quirky film "The Royal Tennenbaums". And sales of this retro clothing line had contributed 15% to the company's revenues. But fashion still remains on the fringes.
GERMAN GUY: "On the outside of the shoe, you got his name stitched on, Beckham, the back is the British flag, on the insole of the shoe, you got his number, 7. Here on the to
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