As it is known to all of us, the rich-and-poor gap is widening up in society and richcountries become richer and poor countries become poorer. So we should help reduce povertylevels by redistributing the limited basic needs or the material wealth. Only in this way, canwe narrow the gap between the rich and poor, reduce crimes in our communities, give hopeto those with disability or disease, give money to those who lost their jobs, improve healthconditions for all people, thus making our society a peaceful and harmonious one.
In this view, government is responsible for organizing the redistribution of the goodsnecessary to satisfy all society members' basic needs or of the money to purchase thesegoods--hence, the social welfare system. In my opinion, the satisfaction of basic needs isof greater moral importance than an individual's right to spend earnings as he or she freelychooses. The issue is not merely a clashing of societal rights but a matter of life and death,malnutrition and nourishment, disease and health, ignorance and education. Social welfare inessence symbolizes the progress and virtues of social civilization.Argument against social welfare:
I argue against social welfare not because I don't want to contribute to this cause, butbecause I'm afraid that I cannot contribute enough. Even though I gave all I might possess, thepoor would still remain poor and live a disgraceful life. Everyone knows that the fund fromthe welfare system is never enough and everyone is dissatisfied with it.
I have to admit that welfare is a good idea and it can be good. It enables people who arein difficulty to get on their feet again. However, many people abuse the welfare system. Forexample, some single mothers in the UK simply choose to have more children so that theycan continue to receive welfare money without having to work for a longer period of time.Some laid-off workers will totally rely on welfare and never attempt to look for jobs. That'swhy some p
…… 《研究生英语听说教程》(以下简称《听说教程》)为“高等学校研究生英语提高系列教材”之一,依据《非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲》的要求和研究生英语教学特点进行设计和编写,旨在通过听、说、读相结合的教学实践,培养学习者运用英语准确而流利地进行交流的能力。《听说教程》包含上、下两册,内容难度和学习**有所不同,可用于研究生阶段两个学期的英语教学,也可由教师根据学生的实际水平选择使用。 《听说教程》每册12单元,每单元的听说活动围绕一个特定主题展开。这样设计有助于增强学生在语篇层次上的听说能力,提高他们对所听材料的分析判断和归纳总结能力,以及用英语就一般性话题和专业话题表达观点的能力。《听说教程》遵循“听说结合,以听促说”的原则,保证教学过程中语言输人丰富准确,输出活动形式多样,有效提高学生的语言表达与沟通能力。本教程的课堂教学活动经过精心设计,使“说”的活动不再是点缀,而是训练**和教学目的所在。
在听的方面,《听说教程》除提供由外籍专家录制的纯正、地道的听力素材外,还提供原声录音素材,使学生多接触真实环境下的英语。在说��方面,教材不仅设计了以任务为**、生动有趣的口语练习活动,还对“说什么”和“如何说”进行提示,突出了真实环境下的交际策略(communicative strategies)。此外,本教程还在教师用书中提供了听说活动的文化背景知识、详尽的教学建议和步骤,以及一些备用的课堂口语活动和讨论话题,这不仅方便了教师的教学,而且能够满足不同程度学生的需求,使尽可能多的学生参与到口语活动中。 《听说教程》整体结构及难度的确定基于广泛而深入的调研,部分单元已在教学实践中**。在编写时,编者在词汇量、听力难度、口语练习等方面充分考虑了与大学本科阶段听说教材的衔接。因此,本书亦可作为本科高年级学生提高英语听说能力的辅助教材。