Definition of the Profession of Landscape Architect
Landscape Architects conduct research and advise on planning, design and stewardship of theoutdoor environment and spaces, both within and beyond the built environment, and its conservationand sustainability of development. For the profession of landscape architect, a degree in landscapearchitecture is required. Tasks include:
(1) Developing new or improved theories, policy and methods for landscape planning, design andmanagement at local, regional, national and multinational levels.
(2) Developing policy, plans, and implementing and monitoring proposals as well as developingnew or improved theories and methods for national parks and other conservation and recreation areas.
(3) Developing new or improved theories and methods to promote environmental awareness, andundertaking planning, design, restoration, management and maintenance of cultural and/or historiclandscapes, parks, sites and gardens.
(4)Planning,design,management,maintenance and monitoring functional and aestheticlayouts of built environment in urban, suburban, and rural areas including private and public openspaces, parks, gardens, streetscapes, plazas, housing developments, burial grounds, memorials~tourist, commercial, industrial and educational complexes; sports grounds, zoos, botanic gardens,recreation areas and farms.
(5) Contributing to the planning, aesthetic and functional design, location, management andmaintenance of infrastructure such as roads, dams, energy and major development projects.
( 6 )Undertakinglandscapeassessmentsincludingenvironmentalandvisualimpactassessments 2 with view to developing policy or undertaking projects.
(7) Inspecting sites, analysing factors such as climate, soil, flora(33, fauna(43, surface andsubsurface water and drainage; and consulting with clients and making recommendations regardingmethods of work and sequences of operations for projects related to the landscape and built
…… 随着国际交流的增多和我国高等院校双语化教学的趋势,为景观设计、风景园林等专业师生编写一本题材对路、语言难度适中、能反映西方现代风景园林理论和实践概况的专业英语教材,已经成为一种需要。