1.6Symbol and Allusion
Symbol can refer to anything, for an example, an object, person,reason, animal or other concrete items that used to stands for or represent something else beyond it--usually an idea or an emotion conventionally associated with it. A symbol does not have one stock meaning.Symbols are useful for poets because they are rich in connotation.
Allusions are closely related to symbols. An allusion is a word or phrase that refers to something or someone in history or in literature.Through the use of allusion, the tales which surround well-known in dividuals or events are made part of our understanding of the present.To say that a man is old and has suffered much, but has also achievedmuch, is a fine sentiment. To say he is, or is like, Ulysses states much more for those who know of the celebrated wanderings of the Greek hero.
Examples of Symbols
What symbols are used in these excerpts? What do they symbolize? What meanings do the symbols add to the poems?
a) "Presentiment--is that long Shadow--on the Lawn
Indicative that Suns go down
The Notice to the startled Grass
That Darkness--is about to pass-"
b) "The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" 英语诗歌是我国高校英语专业高年级文学课程中的一个重要内容。学习英语诗歌不仅可以提高学生对英语语言的敏感性和综合运用语言的能力,还可以陶冶情操,提高人文素养和审美情趣。学习英语诗歌除了需要具备一定的语言功底外,还需要掌握一些英语���歌的基本知识和文体特点。只有了解和把握了英语诗歌的基本特征和写作风格,才能更好地理解和鉴赏英诗。《英语诗歌导读》是一部英语诗歌学习入门教材,旨在帮助初学者认识诗歌、理解诗歌、鉴赏诗歌。它将领你进入诗歌的意境,领略英诗的风采,获得美的享受。