In product-tracking,RFID technology is growing,and includes the trackingof manufactured inventory,books from~braries and bookstores,buddingaccess and airline baggage.The automotive industry recently started usingRFID in car keys as theft protection.
About 7 million containers enter US ports each year,which amounts toan estimated 21,000 per day.Yet,we have only enough manpower to inspect2 percent of them.Those odds leave US with a huge risk of an unwantedbreach in Our expansive supply chain without detection.
In just one industry alone,the pharmaceutical industry,manufacturersneed a method for tracking all raw materials,work in process,and finishedinventory throughout their entire supply chain to insure the purity of theirdrugs.
Imagine a system in your manufacturing plant whereby every product inthe supply chain has a unique identification number,and those products canbe tracked automatically with no human intervention for counting,trackingor scanning.
Your company could achieve higher volume tracking through the supplychain,at a lower cost,while the system provides information back to you inreal.time.
Radio frequency identification,or RFID,may be that method fortracking goods from their source to their ultimate destination. 随着计算机技术、通信技术、网络技术以及经济全球化的迅速发展,电子商务已经成为人们从事商务活动的主要手段,也日益成为世界各国经济发展的竞争焦点。在我国,自教育部2000年批准首批高校试开电子商务专业以来,电子商务专业已经成为我国高等教育专业建设中发展*为迅速的专业之一。电子商务是一个新兴学科,涵盖的知识十分丰富而且发展非常迅速;同时,欧美**在电子商务领域起步较早,比较领先,他们先进的理论、技术和实践都值得我们借鉴和学习。因此,电子商务专业人才的专业英语水平对其专业发展至关重要。