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作/译者:郑建洲 出版社:科学出版社
ISBN:9787030364050 [十位:7030364058]
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第1章 绪论Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 大学物理实验课的意义Section 1.1 Meaning of college physical experiments
1.2 物理实验课的教学目的Section 1.2 Teaching purpose of physics experiments
1.3 如何学好物理实验课Section 1.3 How to learn physics experiments
1.4 基本测量方法和实验方法Section 1.4 Basic measurement methods and experiment methods
1.5 基本实验操作技术Section 1.5 Basic experiment operating technology
第2章 误差理论基础知识与实验数据处理Chapter 2 Basic Knowledge of Error Theory and Experiment Data Processing
2.1 引言Section 2.1 Introduction
2.2 基本概念Section 2.2 Basic concepts
2.3 直接测量结果不确定度评定Section 2.3 Evaluation uncertainty of direct measurement
2.4 间接测量结果不确定度评定Section 2.4 Evaluation of indirect measurement uncertainty
2.5 有效数字及其运算法则Section 2.5 Significant figures and corresponding algorithm
2.6 物理实验数据处理的基本方法Section 2.6 Basic methods of data processing in physics experiments
2.7 计算机仿真和辅助实验Section 2.7 Computer simulation and assistant experiments
第3章 基础性实验Chapter 3 Fundamental Physics Experiment
实验3.1 基本测量Experiment 3.1 Fundamental technology of measuring
实验3.2 固体密度的测量Experiment 3.2 Solid density measuring
实验3.3 切变模量的测量Experiment 3.3 Measurement of shear modulus
实验3.4 透镜焦距的测量Experiment 3.4 Determining focus of thin lens
实验3.5 液体电导率的测量Experiment 3.5 Measurement of liquid conductivity
实验3.6 惠斯通电桥Experiment 3.6 Determining resistance using a Wheatstone bridge
实验3.7 伏安法测电阻Experiment 3.7 Resistance measurement with voltammetry
实验3.8 非线性电阻的伏安特性Experiment 3.8 Volt-ampere characteristic of nonlinear resistance
实验3.9 转动惯量的测量Experiment 3.9 Measurement of rotational inertia
实验3.10 电子示波器的使用Experiment 3.10 Operating electronic oscillograph
实验3.11 望远镜与显微镜的组装Experiment 3.11 Assemblage of telescope and microscope
第4章 综合性设计性实验Chapter 4 Comprehensive and Designing Physics Experiments
4.1 预备知识Section 4.1 Preliminary knowledge of comprehensive and designing physics experiments
实验4.2 杨氏模量的测定(拉伸法)Experiment 4.2 Determining Young module(Tensile way)
实验4.3 杨氏模量的测定(弯梁法)Experiment 4.3 Measurement of Young modulus(curved beam method)
实验4.4 电表的改装与校正Experiment 4.4 Refitting and calibrating ammeters
实验4.5 磁阻传感器与地磁场测量实验Experiment 4.5 Magnetic resistive sensor and measurement of geomagnetic field
实验4.6 电势差计的使用及校表Experiment 4.6 Operating potentiometer and calibrating ammeters
实验4.7 电桥法测中、低值电阻Experiment 4.7 Determining resistance of median and low using a electric bridge
实验4.8 霍尔效应实验Experiment 4.8 Hall effect experiment
实验4.9 分光计的调整与折射率的测定Experiment 4.9 Adjustment of spectrometers and measurement of refractive index
实验4.10 杨氏双缝干涉Experiment 4.10 Yang’s double-slit interference
实验4.11 劳埃德镜干涉Experiment 4.11 Lloyd’s mirror interference
实验4.12 牛顿环实验Experiment 4.12 Newton’s rings experiment
实验4.13 迈克耳孙干涉仪的调节和使用Experiment 4.13 Adjustment and application of Michelson interferometer
实验4.14 夫琅禾费单缝衍射Experiment 4.14 Fraunhofer single slit diffraction
实验4.15 夫琅禾费圆孔衍射Experiment 4.15 Fraunhofer round-hole diffraction
实验4.16 用分光计测光栅参数Experiment 4.16 Measurement of grating parameter using spectrometer
实验4.17 阿贝成像原理和空间滤波Experiment 4.17 Abbe imaging principle and spatial filtering
实验4.18 照相技术Experiment 4.18 Photography technology
实验4.19 导热系数的测量Experiment 4.19 Determining thermal conductivity
第5章 研究性实验基本概念Chapter 5 Basic Concept of Investigating Physics Experiments
5.1 研究性实验的预备知识Section 5.1 Preparation knowledge of researching experiments
5.2 物理实验课程论文的写作要求Section 5.2 Physical experiment course paper writing requirements
第6章 研究性实验Chapter 6 Researching Experiments
实验6.1 固体声速测量Experiment 6.1 Determining the velocity of sound in solids
实验6.2 磁阻效应的测量Experiment 6.2 Measuring magneto-resistor effect
实验6.3 氢、氘原子光谱实验Experiment 6.3 Hydrogen Deuterium atom spectrum experiment
实验6.4 固体线膨胀系数的测定方法一Experiment 6.4 Determining the line expansion coefficient of solids method one
实验6.5 固体线膨胀系数的测定方法二Experiment 6.5 Determining the line expansion coefficient of solids method two
实验6.6 磁性液体表观密度的测量Experiment 6.6 Determining apparent density of magnetic liquids
实验6.7 测温电桥的电路设计、安装与使用Experiment 6.7 Designing and assembling and operating temperature-measuring bridges
实验6.8 万用表的设计和组装Experiment 6.8 Designing and assembling of multimeter
实验6.9 用电视显微油滴仪测电子电荷Experiment 6.9 Determining electron charge using a Millikan oil-drop apparatus
实验6.10 偏振光的研究Experiment 6.10 Study of polarized light
实验6.11 光速的测量Experiment 6.11 Determining the velocity of light
实验6.12 光敏传感器光电特性Experiment 6.12 Photoelectric properties of photosensitive sensors
实验6.13 光电效应法测普朗克常量Experiment 6.13 Determining the Planck's constant using photoelectric effect
实验6.14 弗兰克-赫兹实验Experiment 6.14 Frank-Hertz experiment
实验6.15 全息照相Experiment 6.15 Holography
实验6.16 音频信号光纤传输技术实验Experiment 6.16 Fiber transmission technology experiment in digital voice frequency
实验6.17 pn 结温度-电压特性的测定及数字温度计的设计Experiment 6.17 Measurement of temperature and voltage in pn junction and design of digital thermometer
实验6.18 太阳能电池基本特性的测量Experiment 6.18 Determining the characteristic of the solar cell
实验6.19 晶体的电光效应实验Experiment 6.19 Electro-optic effect experimental on crystals
附录F.1 电磁学实验基本知识Appendix F.1 Elementary knowledge of electromagnetic experiment
附录F.2 光学实验基本常识Appendix F.2 Elementary knowledge of optical experiment
附录F.3 中华人民共和国法定计量单位Appendix F.3 Legal unit of measurement of People's Republic of China
附录F.4 一些常用的物理数据表Appendix F.4 Some frequent physical data sheet