

  • 作者:金春华
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030339898
  • 出版日期:2012年05月01日
  • 页数:241
  • 定价:¥35.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《机能实验学(第2版)(英文版)》主要包括三部分内容,一是较系统地介绍机能学实验基本知识、动物学实验基本技术、科研基本方法以及实验室**规则等,强调了对实验基本知识和技术方法的掌握;第二部分为生理学、病理生理学和药理学的一些经典实验内容,共由34个实验项目组成,主要用于促进对医学理论知识的理解;第三部分由综合性实验、探索性实验、病例讨论、高水平论文分析等内容组成,主要用于训练和提高学生的综合实验能力和科研素质。本教材在形式上以英文为主,对章节段落的标题及少数较难的专业词汇则插人中文注释。本教材涉及大量的医药学基础与临床专业英语词汇,因此除可作为生理学、病理生理学和药理学等实验双语教材外,还可作为各专业学生学习医学专业英语的良好课外读物。 机能实验学-第2版_金春华_科学出版社_
    chapter 1. an introduction of functional experimentation
    chapter 2. basic knowledge and theory
    section 1. biological characteristics and application of commonly used laboratory animals
    section 2. biological data acquisition systems
    section 3. selection and design principles of medical scientific research topics
    section 4. medical information retrieval
    section 5. writing methods of scientific papers and lab reports
    section 6. laboratory safety and rules

    chapter 3. basic methods of animal experiments
    section 1. animal capture and restraint
    section 2. animal numbering
    section 3. drug administration for laboratory animals
    section 4. anesthesia of laboratory animals
    section 5. unhairing of laboratory animals
    section 6. blood collection of laboratory animals
    section 7. euthanasia methods of laboratory animals

    chapter 4. basic techniques in experimental animal surgical operation
    section 1. traditional surgical instruments
    section 2. technique of animal catheterization
    section 3. haemostasis and technique of knots making
    section 4. technique of wound sutures (stitches)and sutures out

    chapter 5. basic experiments
    experiment 1. the nature of muscle contraction
    experiment 2. measurement of conduction velocity of action potential and excitability from neural trunk
    experiment 3. determination of hemoglobin content and red blood cell osmotic fragihty
    experiment 4. premature contraction and compensatory pause
    experiment 5. chemicals on the regulation of ex vivo heart activities
    experiment 6. measurement of human arterial blood pressure
    experiment 7. recording of human electrocardiogram
    experiment 8. pulmonary function tests
    experiment 9. regulation of respiratory movements
    experiment 10. physiological properties of the isolated gastrointestinal smooth muscle
    experiment 11. factors that influencing urine formation
    experiment 12. damage effects of unilateral labyrinth and cochlear potential induction from guinea pigs
    experiment 13. examination of visual fields and scotornas
    experiment 14. analysis of reflex arc and the basic features of the reflex activities
    experiment 15. experimental pulmonary edema in rabbits
    experiment 16. effect of different factors on hypoxic tolerance
    experiment 17. influence of ph of body fluids on drug absorption
    experiment 18. one-compartment open model and calculation of the pharmacokinetic parameters
    experiment 19. two-compartment open model and calculation of the pharmacokinetic parameters
    experiment 20. determination of medial lethal dose (lds0) of drug
    experiment 21. the antergic experiments of drng-the binding assay of radio-ligand and receptor
    experiment 22. intoxication and detoxication of organophosphates
    experiment 23. effects of drugs by different dosage forms
    experiment 24. effects of drugs by different routes of administration
    experiment 25. basic effects of drugs
    experiment 26. factors influencing drug effects
    experiment 27. observation of analgesic action of drugs with writhing method
    experiment 28. anticonvulsant effect of the drug
    experiment 29. effects of drugs on learning and memory of animal (mice step-down experiment. rat shuttle box experiment. morris water maze experiment)
    experiment 30. effects of hydrocortisone on mice ear swelling induced by xylol
    experiment 31. anti-inflammatory effects of dexamethasone on rat paw edema
    experiment 32. effects of cardiac glycosides on heart failure
    experiment 33. antibacterial experiment of antibacterial agents in vitro
    experiment 34. antibacterial experiment of antibacterial agents in vivo

    chapter 6. comprehensive experiments ( )
    experiment 1. different types of hypoxia
    experiment 2. hyperkalemia in rabbits
    experiment 3. disseminated intravascular coagulation in rabbit
    experiment 4. disorders of acid-base balance and its experimental therapy in rabbits
    experiment 5. ischemia and reperfusion injury in intestine
    experiment 6. acute endotoxic shock
    experiment 7. hemorrhagic shock and alterations of microcirculation in rabbit
    experiment 8. regulation of the cardiovascular system and acute cardiac failure
    experiment 9. effects of experimental pneumothorax on respiration. circulation and acid-base balance in rabbits
    experiment 10. acute respiratory distress syndrome and pharmacotherapy
    experiment 11. hepatic encephalopathy and its treatment
    experiment 12. determination of endogenous creatinine clearance rate and excretion fraction of sodium filtration in acute renal failure
    experiment 13. reproduction of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
    experiment 14. the effect of drug and bioactivator on the isolated tracheal strips of cavy
    experiment 15. determination of the pharmacokinetic parameters of sulfa drugs in rabbits with renal failure

    chapter 7. exploratory experiments
    chapter 8. case discussion and paper analysis



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