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第1章 跨国界管理:动因、方式与意识
1.1 跨国公司:定义、范围和影响
1.2 动因:国际化的推动力和牵引力
1.3 国际化的方式:前提条件和进程
1.4 意识的进化:国际化到跨国化
1.5 结论
案例1-1 卡麦隆汽车配件
阅读材料1-1 跨国公司的曲折演变

第2章 了解国际化的环境:应对冲突环境的压力(参见第四版的第四章)
2.1 推动全球整合和合作的因素
2.2 导致当地差异化和响应的因素
2.3 全球性创新技术和竞争力量
2.4 对同时来自多方面压力的反应
2.5 结论:战略和组织的挑战
Case 2-1 碰壁:耐克的国际劳动力实践

第3章 发展跨国战略:建立梯级的竞争优势
3.1 全球竞争优势:目标和方法
3.2 多国的、国际的全球的和跨国经营战略
3.3 全球范围的竞争优势:战略任务
3.4 结论
Case 3-1 Stella Artois啤酒的全球品牌战略

第4章 发展一个跨国组织:管理整合、响应机制和灵活性
4.1 结构不适应
4.2 管理传统
4.3 跨国公司的骨架、生理机制和心理机制
4.4 管理变革过程
4.5 变革中的跨国组织
4.6 结论
Case 4-1 庞巴迪运输及对Adtranz公司的收购

第5章 创造全球性的创新和学习:开发跨边界的知识管理
5.1 **式、地区式和跨国式创新
5.2 使**创新活动富有成效
5.3 使地区性活动富有效率
5.4 使跨国创新模式成为可行
5.5 结论
Case 5-1 时代华纳与光学记录公司(ORC)专利权

第6章 参与跨国合作:企业的边界管理
6.1 为什么建立战略联盟
6.2 合作的风险和成本
6.3 建立和管理合作企业
6.4 结论
Case 6-1 Nora-Sakari:一家拟在马来西亚成立合资企业的公司
Case 6-2 Eli Lilly印度分工司:重新思考合资企业战略
Readings 6-1 国际合资企业的设计与管理

第7章 执行战略:构建跨国经营能力
7.1 全球业务管理
7.2 全球职能管理
7.3 地区子公司管理
7.4 公司高层管理
7.5 结论
Case 7-1 Larson尼日利亚分公司
Case 7-2 康明斯中国战略

第8章 跨国管理的未来:一个进化的全球角色
8.1 日益增长的不满
8.2 跨国企业面临的挑战
8.3 回应全球发展的需要:跨国企业的四种姿态
8.4 结论
Readings 8-1 普通经理揭秘:胜任新管理岗位的个人能力
From Dependence or Independence to Interdependence
As we described in Chapter 4, national subsidiaries in decentralized federation organi-zations enjoyed considerable independence from the headquarters, whereas those incentralized hub organizations remained strongly dependent on the parent company forresources and capabilities. But the emerging strategic demands make organizationalmodels based on such simple interunit dependence or independence inappropriate.
Independent units risk being picked offone by one by competitors whose coordinatedglobal approach gives them two important strategic advantages: the ability to integratescale-efficient operations and the opportunity to cross-subsidize the losses from battles inone market with funds generated by profitable operations in others. However, foreign op-erations that depend totally on a central unit run the risk of being unable to respond effec-tively to strong national competitors or to sense potentially important local market or tech-nical intelligence.
But it is not easy to change relationships of dependence or independence that havebeen built over a long history. Most companies found that attempts to improve interunitcollaboration by adding layer upon layer of administrative mechanisms to foster greatercooperation were disappointing. Independent units feigned compliance while fiercelyprotecting their independence, and dependent units discovered that the new cooperativespirit bestowed little more than the right to agree with those on whom they depended.
To create an effective interdependent organization, two requirements must be met.First, the company must develop a configuration of resources that is neither centralizednor decentralized but is both dispersed and specialized. Such a configuration lies at theheart of the transnational company's integrated network mode of operations, as wealready discussed in Chapter 4. This fifth edition of Transnational Management is dedicated to Sumantra Ghoshal, alongtime friend, colleague, and coauthor whose name has been on the cover of thisbook since it was first published more than 15 years ago. During our 20-year researchand writing partnership, Sumantra was always concerned about how to bring knowl-edge into the classroom. In our field research, he wanted to ensure that we could cre-ate powerful teaching material out of the data and stories we were uncovering and theconclusions we were reaching. Indeed, he believed that it was impossible to unravelthe twin strands of teaching and learning, claiming that together they created a muchstronger cord of knowledge. To Sumantra, discussion in the classroom raised ques-tions that drove him into the field, and the findings from the field created teachingmaterials that did much more than provide insight for students; they provoked morequestions for research.
To the outside world, the numerous awards Sumantra won as an outstanding teacherand case material developer were a testimony to his lifelong commitment to the class-room. But for those of us fortunate enough to have worked with him personally, whetheras a student, a colleague, or a consulting client, Sumantra was much more than a giftedteacher. His brilliant questioning and insightful challenges pushed us to think harder anddeeper but were complemented by his bold imagination and supportive encouragementthat gave us the courage to take risks. Although he passed away in 2004, we list him asa coauthor in this new edition not only to honor his memory but also to reflect the sig-nificant and lasting contribution he made to the concepts, perspectives, and materialsthat are at the core of this book.