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作/译者:胡敏 出版社:中国对外翻译出版公司
ISBN:9787500135715 [十位:7500135718]
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1. Doing the Best You Can 尽你*大的努力 2. The Belligerent Samurai 好斗的武士 3. Getting a Horse to Move 调动马的积极性 4. Tony Robbins 托尼·罗宾斯 5. Practice Makes the Master 实践成大师 6. Choose Your Attitude 选择积极的态度 7. How Much Is Enough· 多少是够? 8. The Present 现在/礼物? 9. Let‘s Keep a Date 一言九鼎 10. Leaders and Followers ***和追随者 11. Living in a Fast Paced World 生活在快节奏的世界里 12. How to Help a Friend Who’s Grieving 如何安慰悲痛中的朋友 13. The Wise Woman‘s Stone 聪明女子的宝石 14. Knowing Where to Tap 知道该拍哪儿 15. Look for the Extraordinary in the Ordinary 在平凡中寻找非凡 16. Making the World Right 把世界搞定 17. People Are Like Potatoes 人如土豆 18. Complete Something Daily 每天都要做事 19. Leadership Is About Having Energy 当领导就是精力充沛 20. How Women Changed History 女人如何改变历史 21. Mustard 芥菜花 22. From Rags to Riches 从赤贫到巨富 23. Pay Now, Play Later 先干后玩 24. So Decide Now 所以现在就决定 25. Change Your Beliefs 改变你的观念 26. You’re Always by My Side 你总是在我身边 27. The Question 问题 28. The Sandwich Method 三明治批评法 29. Cooking a Roast 做烤肉 30. Taking Dad‘s Advice 牢记爸爸的话 31. The Newcomer 新来者 32. The People in the South Are Much the Same 南边的人也差不多 33. The Secret of Happiness 幸福的秘诀 34. Attention Grabbing 诱导 35. Don’t Cry over Spilt Milk 后悔无益 36. Writing Heartfelt Letters 信由心写 37. Don‘t Give Up: The Story Behind Colonel Sanders’ Success 决不放弃--桑德斯上校成功背后的故事 38. Rumors 谣言 39. Every Problem Will Change You 经一事长一智 40. If You Don‘t Ask, You Don’t Get 不提要求就得不到满足 41. You Must Be in Management 你一定是搞管理的 42. “All the Right Words” Doesn‘t Mean “All the Right Messages” “一字不差”不等于“一点没错” 43. Recognition 赏识 44. Jill’s Ideal Friend 吉尔理想中的朋友 45. Six Degrees of Separation 六度分离 46. The Computer Nerd 电脑呆子 47. Employ the Flipside Technique 使用翻转技巧 48. Invest in Yourself 给自己投资 49. It‘s Never Too Late for Success 成功永远不会太晚 50. What Was the Reason for Andrew Carnegie’s Success· 安德鲁·卡内基成功的原因是什么? 51. Never Neglect the Little Things 小事不能小看 52. Leadership Is Everyone‘s Business 领导是每个人的事情 53. Take Action! Start Saving 行动起来!开始存钱 54. Dear Disney 亲爱的迪斯尼 55. A True Leader 真正的领导 56. A Young Man Learns What’s Most Important in Life 原来如此 57. Better Your BATNA 提高你的BATNA 58. IQ and Destiny 智商与命运 59. Genuine or Counterfeit 真的还是假的 60. You Can‘t Change What You Don’t Acknowledge 承认现实才能改变现实 61. Knowing What Success Means to You 了解成功对你的含义 62. Final Exam Question 期终考试题 63. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies 本身自会成为事实的预言 64. Attitude Is Everything 态度决定一切 65. Recovery from Disaster 劫后重生 66. Little Sparks of Gratitude 感激的火花 67. Christmas Negotiation 圣诞谈判 68. 7 Kinds of Smart 7种智慧 69. Get What You Want 得你所想 70. Simplicity 简单 71. Cat Diary 猫的日记 72. Universities and Their Function 大学及其作用 73. My First Motivational Speech 我**次听到的激励演说 74. The Twenty-Five-Cent Challenge 25分钱的挑战 75. Walk It Off 散步** 76. Soul Mates 心灵伴侣 77. Time 时间 78. What‘s the Ideal Number of Friends· 人生朋友几何? 79. Turn on the Charm 展示你的魅力 80. To Love, in Sickness and in Health 疾病或健康 此爱不渝 81. The Importance of Words 词汇量大的重要性 82. Family and Community Relationships 如何建立良好的人际关系 83. Develop Good Coworker Relations 建立良好的同事关系 84. A Visit to the Cemetery 去墓地看一看 85. Picasso: No. 1 with a Palette 毕加索:世界**画家 86. Three Big Questions 三个重要问题 87. Pursuing Success Is Not Enough 只追求成功是不够的 88. Dare to Dream 敢于梦想 89. What It Takes to Be Great 怎样才能出类拔萃 90. The 6 Most Important Questions in Business商业中的6个重要问题 91. Time Control 时间控制 92. 10 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk 十种方式减少癌病风险 93. Top 10 Annoying Workplace Habits 工作场所十大恶习 94. My First Book 我的**本书 95. Universities Branch Out 大学的延伸 96. Nature vs. Nurture 与生俱来与后天培养 97. Why I Write 我为什么写作 98. The Art of Loving 爱的艺术 99. 33 Tips to Become a Well Liked Person33条小建议,让你人见人爱 100. Problems Give Meaning to Life 困难使生活有意义
How Much Is Enough? The rich industrialist from the North was horrified to find the southern fisherman lying lazily beside his boat, smoking a pipe. “Why aren’t you out fishing?” asked the industrialist. “Because I have caught enough fish for the day, ” said the fisherman. “Why don’t you catch some more?” “What would I do with them?” “You could earn more money, ” was the industrialist’s reply. “With that you could have a motor fixed to your boat and go into deeper waters and catch more fish. Then you would make enough to buy nylon nets. These would bring you more fish and more money. Soon you would have enough money to own two boats...maybe even a fleet of boats. Then you would be a rich man like me.” “What would I do then?” asked the fisherman. “Then you could really enjoy life.” “What do you think I am doing right now?” From Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work By Anthony DeMello industrialist n. 实业家 the North 美国北方地区 horrify v. 使震惊 southern a. 南方的 fisherman n. 渔夫 lie v. 躺 lazily ad. 懒洋洋地 pipe n. 烟斗 catch v. 捕捉 motor n. 发动机 fix v.(使)固定 water n. 水体(指河、湖等) nylon n. 尼龙 net n. 网 own v. 拥有 a fleet of 一队 right now 现在 多少是够? 北方实业家很有钱,看到南方渔民懒洋洋地躺在船边,抽着烟斗,他很是震惊。 “你为什么不出去捕鱼呢?”实业家问道。 “因为今天我已经捕到了足够的鱼。”渔夫回答说。 “你为什么不多捕点呢?” “我捕那么多鱼做什么?” “你可以多赚一些钱,”实业家说,“有了更多的钱,你就可以在你的船上安一个发动机,到更深的水域捕更多的鱼。然后你就可以赚到足够的钱来买尼龙网。这样你会捕到更多的鱼、赚更多的钱。很快你就会有足够的钱拥有两条船……甚至有可能是一大堆船。到时你就像我一样有钱了。” “到那时我会做什么呢?”渔夫问。 “到那时你就可以真正享受生活了。” “那你认为我此刻在做什么呢?” People Are Like Potatoes People are like potatoes. After potatoes have been harvested they have to be spread out and sorted in order to get the maximum market dollar. They are divided according to size—big, medium, and small. After the potatoes have been sorted and bagged, they are loaded onto trucks. All Idaho potato farmers use this method—all but one. One farmer never bothered to sort the potatoes at all. Yet he made the most money. A puzzled neighbor finally asked him, “What is your secret?” He said, “It’s simple. I just load up the wagon with potatoes and take the roughest road to town. During the eight-mile trip, the little potatoes always fall to the bottom. The medium potatoes land in the middle, while the big potatoes rise to the top.” That’s not only true of potatoes. It is a law of life. Big potatoes rise to the top on rough roads, and tough people rise to the top in rough times. Adapted from Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do By Robert H. Schuller potato n. 土豆 harvest v. 收割 spread out 摊开 sort v. 把…分类 in order to 为了… maximum a. *高的 market dollar 市价 divide v. 分开 according to 按照… medium a. 中等的 bag v. 把…装进袋子 load v. 把…装上 truck n. 货车,卡车 Idaho 爱达荷州 all but one 唯有一人例外 bother v. 操心 at all 根本 puzzle v. 使迷惑 neighbor n. 邻居 secret n. 秘密 load up 装上 wagon n. 运货车 rough a. 难行的 the eight-mile trip 8英里路程 fall to the bottom 跌落至底部 land v. 到达 rise to the top 升至上面 tough a. 坚强的 in rough times 困难时期 人如土豆 人如土豆。土豆收割之后得摊开并分类,这样才能卖到*高的市价。它们按照大、中、小号被分成类,装完袋,然后就装到卡车上。所有爱达荷州种土豆的农民都使用这种方法——只有一人例外。 这位农民根本就不去费那个劲把土豆分类,可是他赚的钱却*多。一个迷惑不解的邻居终于问道:“你的秘密是什么?”他回答说:“很简单,我就是把土豆装到车上,然后挑*不好走的路去城里。在这8英里的路程里,个儿小的土豆总是掉到下面,中等个儿会留在中间,而大个儿则会跑到上面。”不仅土豆是这样,生活当中也是这样。崎岖的路上大个儿土豆会升到上面,而艰难的时刻坚强的人会脱颖而出。 ……
《新航道:用英语点亮人生(双语注释版)》优势及卖点: 1)100篇风格各异、难度不一的短小故事和精品文章,带你品味多样人生。 2)文中重难点词汇注释,与文章左右呼应,布局巧妙,独具匠心,让你在欣赏故事的同时提升英语词汇储备。 3)准确、流畅而优美的中文译文,帮你透彻理解文章,不留盲点。 4)《新航道:用英语点亮人生(双语注释版)》提供全部故事的MP3音频下载,让你边听边读,尽享听觉盛宴。
胡敏教授,**教育专家、新航道国际教育集团总裁兼校长、留英学者,曾任国际关系学院英语系副主任、硕士生导师。2004年创办新航道,他不仅是中国雅思培训产业化的开创者,同时,也是中国托福培训一代宗师和考研英语培训的领路人。被媒体尊称为“中国雅思之父”,学生们亲切地称他为“胡雅思”。由其开创的雅思、托福、SAT、考研英语和少儿英语等培训理念及教学模式在全国得到广泛应用,并曾多次应邀赴英联邦**、日本、韩国等世界知名大学和国际语言培训机构进行访问和讲学。由其领导的国际化教育团队培训年轻学子逾百万,并在业内率先开发出大量拥有自主知识产权的培训教材和专著逾三百部,其中大部分被国内外知名培训机构奉为经典教材,是目前我国英语培训界出书立著*多的知名学者。 1998 年荣获北京市第五届哲学社会科学**成果二等奖;2005年9月荣获教育部中国成人教育协会和陈香梅教科文奖办公室联合颁发的“中国民办教育创新与发展论坛暨陈香梅教科文奖表彰活动特殊贡献奖”;2008 年荣获“改革开放三十年北京教育功勋人物奖”;2009 年英国文化协会授予其全球“雅思考试20年20人”杰出贡献奖;2009年荣获品牌中国(教育行业)年度人物大奖。