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新视角研究生英语写作与修辞(高等院校研究生外语教学研究会立项项目)(New Perspective Graduate Series Reading Writing and Rhetoric for the 21st Century)
ISBN:9787040192926 [十位:7040192926]
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《新视角研究生英语写作与修辞(高等院校研究生外语教学研究会立项项目)(New Perspective Graduate Series Reading Writing and Rhetoric for the 21st Century)》内容提要:
《新视角研究生英语写作与修辞(高等院校研究生外语教学研究会立项项目)(New Perspective Graduate Series Reading Writing and Rhetoric for the 21st Century)》图书目录:
A Word to Teachers
Chapter 1 The Writing Process
1. The Writing Process
2. Why Use the Writing Process?
3. Getting Started
4. Invention Techniques

Chapter 2 The Thesis Statement
1. Introduction
2. Developing a Thesis Statement
3. Constructing a working Thesis Statement
4. Placement of Thesis Statement
5. Flexibility with Your Thesis Statement

Chapter 3 Rhetorical Patterns of Writing
1. Introduction
2. Description and Narration
3. Exemplification
4. Comparison and Contrast
5. Cause and Effect
6. Process
7. Classification
8. Definition
9. Argumentation and Persuasion

Chapter 4 Drafting, Revision, and Grammar
1. Drafting
2. Revision
3. Proofreading

Chapter 5 Description
1. Introduction
2. Three Pillars of Description
3. Organizing a Description
4. Mastering Writing Techniques
5. From Reading to Writing

Chapter 6 Narration
1. Introduction
2. The Qualities of Good Narrative Essay
3. Mastering Writing Techniques
4. From Reading to Writing

Chapter 7 Exemplification
1. Introduction
2. The Qualities of Good Examples
3. Passages Developed by Exemplification

Chapter 8 Comparison and Contrast
1. Introduction
2. Qualities of Effective Comparison and Contrast
3. Two Forms of Organization
4. Figurative Comparison
5. Mastering Comparison and Contrast Writing
6. From Reading to Writing

Chapter 9 Cause and Effect
1. Introduction
2. Qualities of Good Cause and Effect Writing
3. Organizational Patterns
4. Mastering Cause and Effect Organization
5. From Reading to Writing

Chapter 10 Process
1. Introduction
2. General Steps in Process Writing
3. Transitional Words in Process Writing
4. Directional Process Writing
5. Informational Process Writing
6. Seven Suggestions for Writing a Good Process Analysis Composition

Chapter 11 Classification and Division
1. Introduction
2. Three Elements of Classification

Chapter 12 Definition
1. Introduction
2. The Definition Composition
3. Short Definitions or Synonyms
4. Denotative and Connotative Definitions
5. Concise and Detailed Definitions

Chapter 13 Argumentation and Persuasion
1. Introduction
2. Evaluating Evidence
3. Qualities of Good Argumentation and Persuasion
4. Mastering Writing Techniques
5. From Reading to Writing
Appendix A: Common Chinese Writing Errors
Appendix B: English Proofreading Strategies
Appendix C: Basic Format of Academic Research Papers
《新视角研究生英语写作与修辞(高等院校研究生外语教学研究会立项项目)(New Perspective Graduate Series Reading Writing and Rhetoric for the 21st Century)》文章节选:
1.In my home town in the American Midwest there used to be a place called the "Y Not Grill" where we hung out as teenagers. We guessed that the name was probably short for "Y Not Come in and Get Food Poisoning."
2.It was a strange place. I was about to say it was awful, but in fact, like most things connected with one's adolescence, it was both wonderful and awful. The food was amazingly bad, the waitresses unfriendly and over the hill, and the cooks always had a cold and sniffed a lot while they cooked.
3.The "Y Not" had a waitress named Shirley, who always worked the night shift and was the most unpleasant person I have ever met. You would ask for, say, a double cheeseburger and fries and she would say "What? You want what?" "A double cheeseburger and fries.Please. If it's not too much trouble. And a chocolate malt to drink." Shirley would look at you as if you had asked to borrow her car to drive to Tijuana on the US Mexican border. "You What? A chocolate malt?" you would repeat, trying to keep your voice from wavering.Shirley would stare at you, and then scrawl your order on a pad and shout it out to the chef.
4.I mention this to show that American diners were not always all they were cracked up to be. And yet, as I say, there was something wonderful about them. Even the "Y Not" had its good points. For one thing, it was open all night. For another it was safe and reliable, a little island of light and activity in the darkness of the city. In this respect it was just like that famous Edward Hooper painting of a city diner at night.
5.Hooper did not paint a diner because there was anything exotic about it, but because it was so ordinary. In the 1930s there used to be thousands of diners, along every highway,on every city corner, in every little town. Since the end of the Second World War, diners have almost disappeared. Today there are hardly any real ones. What you get nowadays in America is fake diners of shining stainless steel, where the pric
…… 随着我国研究生招生规模的不断扩大,研究生教育迅猛发展,教学改革百花齐放,教改成果五彩纷呈。与此同时,研究生英语教学也面临新的挑战。如何顺应新的形势,改革研究生英语教学,提高研究生英语教学质量,是摆在我们面前的、急需解决的问题。为此,高等院校研究生外语教学研究会于2006年3月成立了“研究生英语教学改革”项目组,项目组对我国各研究生培养单位进行大规模调研。
《新视角研究生英语写作与修辞(高等院校研究生外语教学研究会立项项目)(New Perspective Graduate Series Reading Writing and Rhetoric for the 21st Century)》编辑推荐与评论:
Key Features of the Book
The book has been compiled by Foreign and Chinese specialistswho have practiced writing and taught writing to ESL students forover four decades.
The book looks at writing as a process, blending this approach withthe traditional, time-proven rhetorical patterns or genres of writing.
A wide variety of prose passages, written by well-known American,British, and non-native English writers, have been appropriatelyadapted as resource material not only for writing exercises, butalso as a means for appreciating style and overall improvement ofstudent command of language. The selected and adapted prosepassages range from easy reading of a fifteen hundred word levelto more difficult passages of a six thousand word level.
Writing exercises have been presented at three levels: writingtechnique, guided composition, and finally independent writing;thus, enabling students to proceed from carefully controlled writingto free writing in a confident manner.
Chapters look at common errors made by ESL students and suggeststrategies to avoid such pitfalls in English writing.Finally, it is eminently suited for use as a writing textbook forgraduate students, advanced undergraduate learners, as well asbeing a writing guidebook for self-study.